Saturday 20 July 2024

Weather, an anniversary, and time to relax

The storms that blew through and around us on Sunday and cooled the temperatures down in the early part of the week. We were able to open windows at night, allowing the house to cool off. In fact, on Tuesday morning my daughter was considering whether to turn on the furnace. NO!!!

Swim lessons continued for the week, at 8:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Eli also had day camp on Tuesday, though Thursday's session was cancelled. I went with them on Tuesday, and D and I visited Value Village, Walmart and a used book store before returning to the school. We sat outside in the car, windows open as no a/c was required, and read. At V.V. I picked up a small bookcase and found it fits perfectly behind my bedroom door. I've been gathering books at garage sales and picked up a couple more at the used bookstore. There is room enough on the shelves for a couple dozen books, though I'll like swap them out before it is full.

The heat returned on Wednesday and has stayed with us. I ought to have been outdoors in the morning working in the yard, but the mosquitos are wicked bad. Normally, they don't bother me much, preferring other, younger subjects but there are so many of them, they're not fussy. Instead, I stayed in the house, read blogs, played Mahjonng on-line, did some knitting, and binge-watched NCIS. Oh, I read too, finising James Patterson's NYPD Red2, one of the two books I picked up at the used book store on Tuesday.

Thursday was the 10th anniversary of the death my aunt, my mother's youngest sister. I shared this photo on FB, taken when my mom was about 14-15 years old.

From left to right, my Aunt Ann, Aunt Enid, Mom (Betty) and Uncle Bob. He passed away at the young age of 45 of lung cancer. Mom also passed away of cancer, just over 20 years ago, just 9 days prior to her 75th birthday. Aunt Ann died about 3 months later - I'm not certain what caused her death; she had just turned 73. Aunt Enid had several strokes and was living in the nursing home when she passed away at the age of 80.

We woke to the haze of forest fires on Friday morning. The sun was red and there was a hint of smoke in the air. It didn't help keep the heat at bay but did cool it slightly by a degree. I did get outdoors for 20 minutes or so to bag weeds I'd picked up earlier, and pulling more of the darned things. By the time I game indoors I was soaking wet. Normally we have dry heat, that day the humidity was nearly 50%. Again, I realize this is lower than what many of you experience, but we're not accustomed to it. 

It was Eli's final day of swimming lessons, so I went along for the evening lesson. To celebrate we went to the local ice cream shop for a treat too. Then there was football to watch. Good news all around as the coach of the Edmonton Elks was fired (not my team but I disliked the guy from the time he was here), and our Saskatchewan Roughriders won. It was an ugly game with more defence than offence and some questionable calls by the refs - one of which likely won the game for us. It ended with an ugly take down by one of the opposing team on our running back. Needless as there was no time on the clock at that point. The television coverage ended and I haven't heard if there will be consequences.

We ran out of water in the rain barrel on Thursday, but the garden needed watering, so early this morning I put out the hose to give it a good soaking. D mowed most of the back yard about 8 a.m. We're back in the house now, the a/c has been cutting in regularly and I suspect we may head to the pool this afternoon. Otherwise it will be a quiet day, with baseball and football to watch, and I'll keep working on the mittens.

Have a great week ahead everyone!


  1. What a great old photo! The wildfire smoke got here yesterday, no fun. What a cute little bookcase! Stay cool!

    1. Thanks Connie.
      The smoke is horrid here this morning, it looks like fog. I've got the windows closed and the a/c just kicked in at almost 6:30 in the morning. It's going to be another scorcher.

  2. I love that old photo, too. Old family photos are such treasured keepsakes, especially when family has passed. ❤️

    It sounds like you've all been well-occupied without being insanely busy for a change. Lol. I wish you a great weekend and week ahead!

    1. Thanks Kim. I'm fortunate that I have the framed original.
      There always seem to be things to do...and days when I don't do any of it. :)

  3. Sounds like you've been busy. Nice size bookshelf, good find on your part. We've been thinking about watering because it's been so hot and dry, and then got several rains, so are playing through. What a nice family photo. Older photo's have such a feel to them. It's nice you have it.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks Sandy. I'm trying to avoid watering but the containers won't survive with it. We'll let the lawn go brown and dormant though.

  4. It sure sounds like Eli is having a fun summer.
    What a beautiful picture. Your mom was so pretty.
    We were very hot and humid to start the week and have ended it very nice. I could finely get outside and work.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. We're all having a pretty good summer. More time at the pool yesterday was a good way to get out of the heat. Sadly it is even more smoky today so I anticipate an indoor day (though D and Eli are planning to see a movie.)

  5. We have been having late afternoon storms for several days which has cooled us off from the 100+ degrees we had last week, to the 90+ degrees the last few days.
    That's all nice but the storms do bring power outages at times.
    It's always something!

    1. I'd be happy to see a storm blow through, but not the power outage. I can't imagine weeks of 100+ weather. I'm a wimp and anything over 85F is too much for me.

  6. We really could use some rain right about now. Still we are enjoying are visit here in the city.

    God bless.

  7. If you are not used to high humidity it can drain you. We have it from March until late October, and sometimes it feels like we need to grow gills. Our humidity is always worst when the temp is at its hottest. What a great combination.

    1. Gills would be nice. The humidity reached 62% yesterday. If we could get less of it and get rid of the smoke, I might be less whiny. :p

  8. That is a great family photo. I remember when the last of my father’s siblings died. It was such a sad milestone.

    I have been working in the garden this past week. It has been too hot to walk outside and weed too. Humidity of 50% sounds wonderful!

    Have a great week.

    1. We're fortunate that one uncle (my aunt Ann's husband) is still with us, but unfortunately he's in a rapid decline. When he's gone, we'll be the elder generation - at least my brother will at 74 - I'm just 65. :)

  9. We had a cool night recently, and Bill did put the furnace on for a run through first thing in the morning. And now today the a/c. Crazy.
    You can't go wrong with J.P. books, one of my favourite writers, as you know.

    1. It's cooling off again tonight, 15C, but it warms up quickly enough in the day not to use the furnace. I suppose in an RV, there would be less insulation so a cycle would be enough to take the chill off.
      I've read several of his books previously, and this series is written with another author (name escapes me), and I'm really enjoying them. Now that we've found the used book store, I see more of his books in my reading future.

  10. I love the old photograph. I have so fee of either my dad or my mother in their earliest years. I wish I could have more, They exist but I don't know who has them.


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