Saturday 24 August 2024

Back on pace

This week started off with a busy, busy day! Eli and D had doctor's appointments in the city, and we were on the highway by 8 a.m. Their first appointment was with the neurologist to discuss Eli's medications and to address his hand tremor. This neurologist doesn't generally treat children, but all of the ped neurologists are unable to see him at this time. We think Dr I enjoys seeing Eli, at least based on his conversations with D. He's decided to request another EEG to determine if Eli is continuing to have mild momentary seizures that are not evident. D got a call later in the week with an appointment for early October in the city.

This appointment was short - I'd run to Value Village (no deals worth getting) and had arrived back at the office just as they came out.  We headed over to my son's house. He was fast asleep and we didn't wake him, but Saku (the cat) was happy to see me. Eli watched a bit of television, before I went to pick up lunch for all of us. We left about an hour before the next appointment and found a park where Eli could run and play. It was stinking hot and humid at 32C/90F and after 40 minutes I was more than ready to drop them off at the doctor's office. These appointments were with their GP. 

I made a run over to the nearby Home Depot to pick up nail strips so we can hang some peg board in the basement. There was a bit of time to kill, as I knew Dr J often runs late. So, I wandered through Walmart, and as I pulled back into the lot, I received a text from D saying they were ready. Perfect timing. 

Our last stop on the way out of the city was at the Costco. OMG, that place was insane. Eli wore his noise cancelling headphones and I was wishing I had a pair. We managed to get everything on our there were several impulse buys (my daughter). There is good reason why I don't let her grocery shop with me very often. We were home by about 4:30 p.m. I was exhausted by this point, so it was a quiet evening.

I slept late on Tuesday morning (until 7!). I was happy to see we'd had rain overnight, nearly 3/8th's of an inch. Poor Stanley wasn't happy because I didn't have my tea outdoors that morning. It was too wet, humid and buggy!

D had another appointment at 11, this one by telephone, so I took Eli out for an hour or so. We dropped by Canadian Tire, Pet Valu (where we visited with Marmalade, a wee orange kitten), McDonald's for lunch, and then a stop at the park where he played with several friends. He climbed the tree, the playground apparatus, and played in the splash pad. He wasn't happy when I said we needed to leave, so we drove around looking for houses numbered 303. Don't ask me, it has something to do with the video games he plays or maybe it is part of the videos he watches. His mom was just finishing up her conversation when we walked into the house.

In the afternoon, we decided to spend some time at the pool. It was closing on Thursday as the student lifeguards are going back to school soon. It was again, a hot afternoon but dipping into the pool to cool off, we spent over two hours there. I managed to read a portion of my book.

The temperature dropped a bit on Wednesday, but it was very humid. I did have my morning tea with Stanley in the catio, but only stayed outdoors for a half hour or so. The rest of the day was pretty quiet, as the clouds would roll in and it would look as if we were in for a thunderstorm, but then the sun would return. We decided to take the day off and got some meal planning and housework done instead while Eli played in the basement. He has the most interesting way of watching television!

BTW, the carrot he was holding in the Wednesday photo was one of the seeds he had planted. I didn't thin the plants as well as I ought to have, so I'm not sure how many more we'll see from his planting.

We had a thunderstorm roll through on Wednesday night and by morning we'd had about a 1/2 inch of rain. It is well appreciated. I did the weekly grocery shop in the morning and took Stanley out for a half hour or so just around lunch time. It was heating up, although the temperature was 23C (73F) with the humidity it felt more like 26C (79F). He didn't sit in the sun long, and found his way to the portion of the catio I'd placed in the shade. Meanwhile, I did some deadheading, pulled a few weeds, and gave the petunias in the front yard a haircut. They were getting very leggy but will come back fuller in a couple of weeks. When I got back to Stan, he was asking to be let out of the catio, so we headed back indoors.

D and Eli ran a couple of errands and then we all got ready to go the pool for the last afternoon. I was expecting a big crowd for the last day, but it wasn't too bad at all. I cooled off in the pool for a bit, then sat in the sun to read. It didn't take long to feel heated in the sun, so back in the pool again for another dip and back out for more reading. We didn't stay too long, just over an hour, but we all felt refreshed. At home, Stanley and I went out again so I could read and he could hang in the catio. The book I'm reading isn't very good, but I'm determined to finish it because I want to know, "who done it".

We haven't made it to the nearby lake and beach yet this summer, so Friday was to be our day. However, we woke to heavy smoke from the forest fires blanketing the area. I had left a window open overnight, and woke coughing about 4 a.m. It was closed in a hurry, but although I dozed a bit, I was up for the day.

It may look like rain, but that is all smoke. It didn't dissipate until mid-afternoon. D and I tackled some more housework including vacuuming and laundry. I also tackled the pantry, sorting and reorganizing. Eli was happy to hang out in his basement - it too could use some clean-up and organizing, but his mom says she'll wait until he's back in school before tackling that area.

This weekend we're planning to go to the rodeo in town. There are horse races both days, but on Sunday the youth rodeo will be held featured with barrel riding, steer riding, and the event I always find hilarious, mutton busting. Imagine a child (usually from 6-12) leaping onto the back of a sheep, that is being sort of held by two other youngsters. The goal is to ride the sheep for as long as one can...think seconds, not minutes. We likely won't stay at the park long enough to watch that event, but we'll see.

We had more rain overnight, just over a quarter inch, with thunderstorms expected throughout the day. Unless the sun comes out, I suspect we won't venture far today either. I've got rhubarb out to make a galette, the kitchen floor needs washing, and D has some things to do for Eli for school and fall activities.

Have a great week ahead everyone!


  1. You had a real busy hot week! We had the smoke also for three days:(

    1. I'm looking forward to the fall weather we're promised this week. It will be a nice break.

  2. I am in charge of CostCo purchases because Carlos will buy stuff we do not need or want; I spend half the time showing him the list and saying, "What you have is not on here!"

    We have had several days of very cool--as in no AC--weather, though that's going to change this week. And I had just gotten used to windows open all day!

    1. I've told my daughter that she is no longer allowed to go to Costco with me. I did have a list too...but didn't think to tell her stuff wasn't on the list.
      It will cool off here this week too, and the windows are open this morning after a good thunderstorm and rain that blew through overnight.

  3. Wow, what a busy week you had. We had a very loud thunderstorm last night with lots of rain. Today it's bright, sunny and VERY windy!!

    1. The thunderstorms have been mostly missing us this summer, but not this week. Hoping for a sunny afternoon, as we want to go to the rodeo.

  4. That sounds like one of your typical weeks, so I guess the easier pace of the past couple of weeks is over.

    I rarely go to our Costco, though once in a while will do an online order for delivery, much easier when you don't have a car. Or just don't want to deal with the crowds!

    High 20s is good, IMO, but not the ugly high 30s or low 40s with the humidex, as we were having before the cool down. We've had SO much rain, though, a very wet summer for a change.

    I hope you have perfect temps and a lovely weekend and week ahead!

    1. Thanks Kim. I typicallu only go to Costco about 3 or 4 times a year. They are opening a second store in the city in the next year, so hopefully the crowds will be thinned out some.
      Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Well, I am tired after reading the week. Especially Monday. You go and go. Hopefully get things all worked out properly for Eli. He sure loves to play.
    I am glad you got a bit of rain. We are going through a drier spell now and starting today back to heat and humidity. Oh well, it is still summer.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Cheryl. Eli has his challenges, most of which will be life-long but his mom is a great advocate. He has a marvelous imagination too, and is very creative. (Not that G'ma might be a bit biased)

  6. I agree with everyone. You had a very busy week. You and Jackie make me tired, just reading what all you do!

    1. Oh Jackie can run circles around me. I need to sit down to read one of her posts. :)

  7. Busy week going on there. Eli is getting so big. No smoke here lately, but we finally got some rain... 2 1/2 inches which was gratefully accepted by moi. Not so much the businesses down on 4th Street. Most had their basements flood.

    God bless.

    1. Oh dear, I'm sure the flooding was a nuisance. We dealt with that at the end of June, but so far the amount of rain has been coming in small spurts.

  8. I swear, you could write a true story novel and it would be a best seller at least with we moms of kids and cats who know that value of hard work. .

    1. Thanks Carole. I don't think I'm much of a writer, but this is a way to keep a journal and someday I'll give the password to my kids. :p

  9. Shopping at Costco gets ever more crazy! I only go first thing in the morning. Generally I am there before the doors open and can get in and out without a session of cart-banging and noise and confusion. If I could only make it later in the day I wouldn’t go. I lived most of my life without Costco and could do it again.

    1. Thankfully, I don't go there often and like you, I tend to be in and out early in the morning. Late afternoon is definitely not the right time of day. Hopefully with a second store opening in the city in the next year, the volume of patrons will drop somewhat.

  10. Sounds like an awesome, busy, and hot week. I really want a nice rainy day here in Vegas that lets me curl up with a nice book and stay indoors. Granted, my husband's business as a carpet cleaner always seems to struggle a bit when it's rainy so maybe I'll just stay content with what I have haha Here's to another fun week ahead!


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