Saturday, 18 January 2025

More fun in the sun

Goodness, I've been here for over two weeks already! The weather has been quite cool in the early morning, as low as 2C/36F one day, but generally around 6-7C/42-44F. Have I mentioned the furnace in this unit doesn't function? I do have two small electric heaters and when I wake up, I turn both on and climb back into bed for a bit. Usually I talk with my daughter, check the weather and the news before I get dressed for the day. A half hour usually is enough to warm it enough to be comfortable. 

I had planned to go to Art in the Park at the Gateway Park on Sunday but didn't realize the buses didn't run on Sundays. :( I almost wished I hadn't stayed home to watch curling on Saturday...almost. The entrance fee was a mere $1, with vendors and artists showcasing their work. I'm disappointed I missed it. On Monday, however, I planned to do nothing...and as I said to someone at Happy Hour, I think I got half of it done. 

L & S and I went out thrifting again on Tuesday (Senior's day). This time we went to Goodwill (I misspoke last post) and the Humane Society thrift store. I wanted a sweater for the cooler times of the day and lucked out. I found a pullover, as well as a pair of capris, and a new nightgown with pockets! At the Humane Society, I got a book and 1000 piece puzzle for just $1.50. I'll leave these latter items behind when I head home. 

L had suggested we go for lunch at the Black Bear Diner (Yuma Palms mall for any who are familiar). The food and the company was great! The portions were large and delicious. I had a crispy chicken wrap with a side salad, taking half the wrap home for dinner that evening. But S's Cobb salad was the star - it was so large that she ate about a 1/3 of it and took the rest home in two boxes for dinner for her and her husband. If you ever in Yuma, I highly recommend this restaurant. In addition to the great food, the prices were reasonable, and the service was good.

On Tuesday evening, I ran out outside to attempt to capture the full moon. It's definitely not a great photo!

I made up for a quiet Monday, when I did some shopping on Wednesday. First, I walked down to the water store to pick up a couple of one gallon jugs of drinking water. On my return, I washed the floors in the park model before walking to Walmart for some groceries. The backpack, I picked up in Bismarck in November, fits the water jugs perfectly. I had run out of some basics, milk, butter, and cheese and needed a few other items. Everything fit well in the bag and it makes it much easier to carry. It is a bit odd to get groceries in plastic bags, and lots of them, as the cashiers rarely put more than a few items in each. I'm using the bags as garbage bags - I may switch to self check-out to reduce the number of bags I use.

Wednesday afternoon was Canasta. Don't ask me how, but my partner and I won the game. It was a long game, nearly 90 minutes, partially because I don't understand the strategy and we likely could have won sooner, had I not messed up. I've learned that they are playing with a hybrid of rules, as each player brought something different to the game.

The Grand Slam of Curling event is being live streamed, as I discovered, so Thursday morning started off with a game while I enjoyed my breakfast. after that was over, I decided to try to find the canal walking paths , but was stymied to find a road closure that I wasn't certain I should go around. Apparently, I should have as that would have been the quickest route. In any event, I gave up and decided to treat myself to an iced coffee and a sausage McMuffin at McDonald's (another further 15 minute walk). 

My landlady, C, came over for a visit in the afternoon. Just to prove I'm multi-talented, I was able to chat with her, keep an eye on a curling game, and crochet. No, no I couldn't - as it turned out I'd made a mistake with the pattern. :) During dinner, I watched another match and started the dish cloth over again.

I glanced up at one point and saw this incredible sunset. It was cloudy for part of the day, and the colours were simply amazing.

Friday, the park's social club was holding their annual garage sale. I donated the dish cloths I'd made as I figure I'm benefiting from the activities provided while I'm here. Several of us met around 10 in the morning to organize the items for the sale. Ranging from furniture, to kitchen items, to blankets, sheets and pillow, to golf balls and golf clubs, a range of games and books, both men and women's clothing, and soooo much more. There is something for everyone (except small children).

The rest of the day was spent watching the Grand Slam of Curling, though I did take a break for Happy Hour. I'm working on the new puzzle as well, and started yet another dish cloth. Didn't like the pattern of the one I started the day prior. 

Today, I won't be attending the garage sale - I haven't room to bring things back. I'm told the early birds will start showing up about 7 a.m. (sale starts at 8). I'm hoping to avoid the traffic, and instead, I'll try fit in a walk between curling games, and enjoy the sunshine.

Have a great week ahead, everyone! 


  1. How odd that the buses don't run on Sunday. I wonder what people who use them to get to and from work do.

    I have a friend who's a general manager at Black Bear Diner in California; I had no idea they stretched as far as AZ!

    1. I thought it was odd too. I guess they walk or Uber.

      I was very impressed with the Diner. Hopefully I'll get another visit in before I leave.

  2. Sounds like you are thoroughly enjoying an active social life and all the great weather. Getting lots of exercise as well. ENJOY!

  3. Sounds like there is lots to do in the warm weather!

    1. That was the plan and it is working out. :)

  4. Two degrees sounds lovely. Continued relaxation and enjoyment!

    1. At home it would feel balmy. Here it feels cold. :)

  5. You're well occupied there with plenty of activities and shopping when you want to be out and about! The sky was gorgeous in that shot; wow!

    Enjoy your time there, it's so much nicer than being in the middle of our Canadian winter!!

    1. No kidding, my son texted me this morning to say that it was -35C with a windchill of -47C. He wanted to know if I wanted to come back. My answer was NO!

  6. Maebeme, I do know you're enjoying the warm southwest for two months, but I'm glad to hear you can still watch curling!

    1. Me too. FG. I think i may have convinced a couple other residents to watch. :)

  7. Maebeme, it sounds like you are having a wonderful and restful time. It is really cold here today and it will get even colder the next couple of days. I envy you the sun and warmer temperatures.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie. I can understand why people come back year after year.

  8. It sounds like you are really en joying your vacation!

  9. We've eaten at and love Black Bear diners both in Yuma and Bullhead city.
    Have you tried Lin's yet? Best Chinese buffet We've eaten at. Lunch prices are very reasonable.
    Glad it is warming up for you (and us!) And that you are enjoying your stay.

    1. I have not tried Lin's. I'll keep it in mind, thanks

  10. Whew...I'm tired listening to your week. Lots of folks around here go thrifting. I don't think I'm any good at it. Not sure I have the patience to look enough to find a deal...also I don't know brands to know when something is special. The sunset picture is beautiful. Glad you looked up in time to see it. I used to knit and crochet while watching tv, but find my older eyes don't do well with that now. I tend to do my needle work now during the daylight hours.
    Sandy's Space

    1. I'm not particularly good with the brands, but one of the women I've been shopping with certainly is. With clothing, I just look items that are in good condition, and that will fit. :p
      Thanks, it was the first evening we had clouds. I find the clear sky doesn't provide as nice a photo.


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