I woke up when the power went off because my furnace runs continuously and when the fan shut down I don't have the white noise I'm used to. I went back to sleep but woke up around 4, the power was still off, so I got up and grabbed my cellphone to set an alarm. I didn't sleep well after that, the cats were disturbed by my moving around, and decided they should be awake as well. After several head butts, some pats and a few purrs in my ear, they finally settled down.
I was up at my normal time, just before 6 a.m., but getting ready for work was a bit more difficult than normal. I made my breakfast by candle light, went without a shower (though I did wash up), and choosing clothing was done with the light of the cellphone. I posted on Facebook, "if you see me at work today, just remember, I dressed in the dark." It was at this point, I realized getting out of the garage was going to be interesting.
Thanks to Google a few minutes later I had released the door from the opener but now I had to actually lift it. Let me tell you, a double door garage door is not light. Plus the damned thing doesn't have any handle. I managed to lift it enough to get my foot under, then used that position to lift it higher. By the time I got it to my knee it was moving easier and I was able to push it up and open. According to Google the door should be fully opened and that's what I did. I started up the car and moved it out onto the driveway. Next up, was closing the door. I stand about 5' 2" in height...now imagine me standing looking up at the garage door helplessly. I tried a couple of jumps but could only reach the edge of the door. There was no way I was closing it, and there was no way I was leaving for work with it open.
So I did what I had to do. I woke my son even though I know he tends to be grumpy in the morning...and he was. But he did get up and between the two of us we got the door closed. He leaves for work about a 1/2 hour after me; Sasha wouldn't let him go back to sleep but at least he knew how to get out of the garage when it was his turn.
I certainly hope there won't be any such excitement this upcoming week. I have just four work days left. I expect they will be busy as my replacement for the rest of my team has been named. I've been thinking about this time for about four years and there is a part of me that can hardly believe it it here. Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm pretty certain it isn't a train!
Back to regular weekend news, I had lunch with my friend K on Friday. Her treat as a gift to recognize my retirement. We had a wonderful time visiting, and hardly talked about work at all. She's been retired for about 3 years so the connection is no longer as strong. We talked mostly about our upcoming cruise. She's been doing a lot of research on the various ports, as well as New Orleans, printed off walking directions to points of interest and looked at reviews. I have a tendency to do my research when I first book, so I'm glad she's done all this work. It's going to be a great trip!
I also did a bit of shopping on Friday as I discovered I don't have enough candles in the event of a power outage. (My friend C informed last night that flashlights are a much better idea as they are much safer - she has one in her bedside table, one in a kitchen drawer and another in the garage. Her husband is, in her words, a boy scout). While I was in Winners I took a look through their clearance items, and found a dressy tank top and a sweater for $11 each. That was a nice find, and I decided to drop into Value Village and the Salvation Army stores as well. I stopped at S.A. on my way to lunch with K, and found three t-shirts, and paid a whopping $6.97 for all three.
My best finds though were at Value Village. I found a blouse from Jones New York, and a jersey knit tank top from Laura, for less than $12 total. They can be worn separately or will go nicely together as a more smart casual look for dinner. But even those weren't the best items I found. (I'm definitely learning from my readers who visit the thrift shops and share their finds. Friday's success is definitely a motivator to see what else I might find!)
This Hallmark ornament from 2001 is titled "Writing to Santa", and is currently listed on E-bay for nearly $30. I paid $3.99 for it. This will be part of D's gift from Eli this year. I also found her a set of holiday stamps for scrapbooking, with 9 pieces for $4.99. A similar set with 10 pieces is listed for $40...so I think I did pretty well or rather Eli did as these will be his gifts to his mom. I'll make him pay be back in hugs and kisses. :)
D had asked me to check for Fisher Price Little People while I was there, and I lucked out and found a bag of six pieces for $3.99. All of the items are garden themed, and while I did find a garden house through Google, it failed to find the actual little people. I'm guessing that means they've been discontinued. I'm sure Eli will use be able to use these with the barn I got for him for Christmas. D had found the original barn, along with a lunch box, for $20 on the local buy and sell this summer. I don't like the newer version as it is more of a doll-house with an open back; the old version is shaped like the barns of my childhood.
My Christmas baking is now done, unless I decide to make another batch of shortbread after I return from my vacation. On Saturday morning, while the laundry was swirling in the machines, I baked a batch of shortbread, and a batch of chocolate mocha (slice) cookies. There are 3 dozen in the container and along with the 3 dozen plus 2 cupcakes I made last weekend, will be taken into the office later this week. Sort of an early Merry Christmas, farewell gift to my co-workers. There certainly aren't enough for the entire office but should be enough for those in the our division. I won't make anything more for the family because my daughter loves to bake and I'm sure she'll arrive with more than we could possibly eat.
This morning, I decided to get my Christmas gifts wrapped since I'll not be home from the cruise until late on the 20th. The bag is for friends, the two piles to the left are for my brother and his family, and the others are for my children and grandson. There are a few gifts not there, two boxes that I won't wrap (one for Eli and one for D) because they are far too large. The one contains a set of broom, dustpan and mop - child sized - as Eli likes to help his mom with household chores, and the second has a small kitchen cart for D. The latter is too heavy for me to lift (C moved it into the house when it was delivered) so I'll simply put a bow on it and call it good enough. Eli's barn and lunch kit also haven't been wrapped and I probably will just put those out Christmas night so he'll see them first thing in the morning.
I still need to pick up a couple of gift cards for my niece and nephew. While the pile may look excessive none of the items were very expensive so they'll each get more than one gift. I intend to use ribbon to tie the gifts for each person together, but won't do that until shortly before we exchange gifts. There is a certain cat (Saku) who likes to chew strings and ribbons. He also likes to eat paper so everything is tucked away in the spare bedroom.
I'll also pick up a bottle of wine for my friends (the bag contains an empty wine box as well as a set of wind chimes). For those who drink wine, any suggestions for a semi-dry white or a nice red would be appreciated!
I've got the kettle boiling to heat water to start a batch of buns, and after that I plan to spend the rest of the day knitting, reading, and watching the Grey Cup football. Go RedBlacks! Though my team isn't in it, I just can't cheer for Calgary, the rivalry is too great.
Have a great week everyone!
Thanks to Google a few minutes later I had released the door from the opener but now I had to actually lift it. Let me tell you, a double door garage door is not light. Plus the damned thing doesn't have any handle. I managed to lift it enough to get my foot under, then used that position to lift it higher. By the time I got it to my knee it was moving easier and I was able to push it up and open. According to Google the door should be fully opened and that's what I did. I started up the car and moved it out onto the driveway. Next up, was closing the door. I stand about 5' 2" in height...now imagine me standing looking up at the garage door helplessly. I tried a couple of jumps but could only reach the edge of the door. There was no way I was closing it, and there was no way I was leaving for work with it open.
So I did what I had to do. I woke my son even though I know he tends to be grumpy in the morning...and he was. But he did get up and between the two of us we got the door closed. He leaves for work about a 1/2 hour after me; Sasha wouldn't let him go back to sleep but at least he knew how to get out of the garage when it was his turn.
I certainly hope there won't be any such excitement this upcoming week. I have just four work days left. I expect they will be busy as my replacement for the rest of my team has been named. I've been thinking about this time for about four years and there is a part of me that can hardly believe it it here. Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm pretty certain it isn't a train!
Back to regular weekend news, I had lunch with my friend K on Friday. Her treat as a gift to recognize my retirement. We had a wonderful time visiting, and hardly talked about work at all. She's been retired for about 3 years so the connection is no longer as strong. We talked mostly about our upcoming cruise. She's been doing a lot of research on the various ports, as well as New Orleans, printed off walking directions to points of interest and looked at reviews. I have a tendency to do my research when I first book, so I'm glad she's done all this work. It's going to be a great trip!
I also did a bit of shopping on Friday as I discovered I don't have enough candles in the event of a power outage. (My friend C informed last night that flashlights are a much better idea as they are much safer - she has one in her bedside table, one in a kitchen drawer and another in the garage. Her husband is, in her words, a boy scout). While I was in Winners I took a look through their clearance items, and found a dressy tank top and a sweater for $11 each. That was a nice find, and I decided to drop into Value Village and the Salvation Army stores as well. I stopped at S.A. on my way to lunch with K, and found three t-shirts, and paid a whopping $6.97 for all three.
This Hallmark ornament from 2001 is titled "Writing to Santa", and is currently listed on E-bay for nearly $30. I paid $3.99 for it. This will be part of D's gift from Eli this year. I also found her a set of holiday stamps for scrapbooking, with 9 pieces for $4.99. A similar set with 10 pieces is listed for $40...so I think I did pretty well or rather Eli did as these will be his gifts to his mom. I'll make him pay be back in hugs and kisses. :)
D had asked me to check for Fisher Price Little People while I was there, and I lucked out and found a bag of six pieces for $3.99. All of the items are garden themed, and while I did find a garden house through Google, it failed to find the actual little people. I'm guessing that means they've been discontinued. I'm sure Eli will use be able to use these with the barn I got for him for Christmas. D had found the original barn, along with a lunch box, for $20 on the local buy and sell this summer. I don't like the newer version as it is more of a doll-house with an open back; the old version is shaped like the barns of my childhood.
This morning, I decided to get my Christmas gifts wrapped since I'll not be home from the cruise until late on the 20th. The bag is for friends, the two piles to the left are for my brother and his family, and the others are for my children and grandson. There are a few gifts not there, two boxes that I won't wrap (one for Eli and one for D) because they are far too large. The one contains a set of broom, dustpan and mop - child sized - as Eli likes to help his mom with household chores, and the second has a small kitchen cart for D. The latter is too heavy for me to lift (C moved it into the house when it was delivered) so I'll simply put a bow on it and call it good enough. Eli's barn and lunch kit also haven't been wrapped and I probably will just put those out Christmas night so he'll see them first thing in the morning.
I still need to pick up a couple of gift cards for my niece and nephew. While the pile may look excessive none of the items were very expensive so they'll each get more than one gift. I intend to use ribbon to tie the gifts for each person together, but won't do that until shortly before we exchange gifts. There is a certain cat (Saku) who likes to chew strings and ribbons. He also likes to eat paper so everything is tucked away in the spare bedroom.
I'll also pick up a bottle of wine for my friends (the bag contains an empty wine box as well as a set of wind chimes). For those who drink wine, any suggestions for a semi-dry white or a nice red would be appreciated!
I've got the kettle boiling to heat water to start a batch of buns, and after that I plan to spend the rest of the day knitting, reading, and watching the Grey Cup football. Go RedBlacks! Though my team isn't in it, I just can't cheer for Calgary, the rivalry is too great.
Have a great week everyone!
Great finds at the thrift store - I usually find something great. This week was an almost unused roll of high end wrapping paper for .50 when my stock was getting low. Also some Christmas cards for $1.50 with Polar bears on them for my Aunts and Uncles in the States. They still like to get them so I send them. Four days - I can't believe it's almost here. I hope retirement is everything you hope it to be (and if it isn't make it so lol)
ReplyDeleteHigh five for awesome bargains! Woohoo! I went back to V. V. to exchange some items I'd bought last Sunday at the half-price sale, and ended up spending more besides. It's not hard to do. :-)
ReplyDeleteFour working days....I've been following you for some years now, and honestly, the times has flown by. Well, it does, whether you're having fun or not. LOL.
Anyway, enjoy the last few days with your co-workers, and CELEBRATE!
The technology available in the twenty-first century doesn't seem often to take into account the fact that it might not work. Not having an automobile, I have no idea how people would get into their cars and trucks if the power that opened their door-locks failed. Maybe they don't have an idea either. Mechanical is always preferable to electronic: it's a motto of mine that if you can fix it by banging it on the side, it's good product. You can't fix politicians that way, but I'd like to try.
ReplyDeleteMmm, shortbread cookies... Simple taste, simple delight.
Love shortbread. How about an extra plate put...for me. :-)
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading what you've been doing. I like long ones like this with detail. I tend to do the same. You will be spinning around like a top when you retire. You'll do all the things you had to try to find time for and now have. I spent tie emptying g out drawers in my room the first DAY and cleaning them up and out. Then a closet. Each day was more and more like that. Then, after a few months, I slowed down a bit.