Saturday 5 March 2022

Snowed in

I'm writing this post from my daughter's home because we are snowed in. Wednesday was our Eli's 5th birthday, but he was in school this week, so I travelled up Thursday afternoon to spend some time with the birthday boy. In Regina, the snow started falling that evening and in less than 48 hours, 20 cms. (about 8 ins.) was on the ground. 

It didn't start snowing here (about 90 minutes away) until Friday morning and we got about 5 or 6 inches in total. Even so, by evening both my daughter and I had been out to shovel the walks and clear a bit of the back yard behind the garage where the cars are parked. It's much easier to clear a few inches at a time than to tackle the full snow fall all at once. However, the back alley is plugged with snow so there is no getting out until the city sends out the cleaning crew. The graders and trucks have been out throughout this morning but alleys will be among the last areas that get cleared. I just have to hope that there will be enough big-ass trucks going through that I can follow in their tracks out to the closest street tomorrow morning. (Her house is about mid-block).

I hadn't realized the storm was going to bring so much snow, but luckily I had tossed in some extra clothing, grabbed my laptop and camera, and my un-finished knitting. We took Eli to the indoor playground Friday morning, and I was able to finish sewing in the ends on the three pairs of mittens. I had some additional yarn and needles too, so started another mitten in the evening.

The curling started up again Friday evening, and I was to watch on my laptop. D doesn't have the same cable line-up as I have, though we might have cast it to her television through her I-Pad, it was just as easy to sit  with my knitting on the couch and watch the computer on the arm of the couch. The first game was terrific - our Saskatchewan team were playing the Alberta team and it was a see-saw game from start to finish. Unfortunately our Sask skip missed his shot to win the game in the 10th end, and Alberta was able to score in the extra end to seal the win.

In other news, earlier in the week, I had done some more research on Ancestry and uncovered another unknown (at least to me) piece of family history. I don't recall my mother every mentioning it, and as she was only a very young child at the time, I doubt she would known about this information either. 

Back in 1931, there were several political parties in Saskatchewan. Two of them were the Labour party and the Farmers Union; these parties merged into the Farmer-Labour party that year. The following year at a convention held in Regina, the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) was created as the party to lead the country in its recovery from the depression. Meanwhile, my great-grandfather was selected as a candidate for the Farmer-Labour party to run in the 1934 provincial election. He did not win a seat, in fact came in a distant third. I did find later references to his name in local municipal politics so it appears he turned his attention to local affairs after this attempt.

Using the newspaper archives site has useful too, to identify marriages and deaths. I've been able to add to the tree using this information. Yesterday I heard from a distant cousin who lives in the States, as I had added information for her mother. She was curious how we might be related - I was able to tell her 4X great grandfather and my 2X great grandfather were brothers. She was thrilled to hear we were related through her mother's side of the family too. 

Beyond that it was a quiet week at home - the flooring showed up mid-week, I did housework, and ran to the grocery store.  I initially had planned to pick up fresh fruit and veg for D, but there were a number of sale items that I grabbed for myself too. BOGO on chicken breasts, which is always a great deal was the one I was happiest about. 

Off to help my daughter file her tax return. There's another curling game at 2:30 local time so I want it done well before than.  Have a good week ahead everyone. 


  1. UGH on the snow. Glad you were prepared to stay. I sure hope we get no more big accumulations like that.
    Stay safe. Have a great weekend.

    1. I sure hope we don't get another accumulation like this again. Bring on spring!

  2. Love snow but not when it locks you in. You managed quite well and least you had enough to keep you entertained.

    1. With Eli around there is always something to keep me busy and amused. He's a character!

  3. Belated happy birthday to Eli. :-)

    Ugh to the snow, all right. I'm sick of it here, we have a lot especially for March. At this rate it will be May before I see snowdrops. Anyway, it's great you were prepared for an extended stay and had lots to keep you occupied.

    Safe travels home!

    1. The forecast seemed to suggest you'd be getting more snow today or tomorrow. I hope you don't get much and that it melts quickly.

  4. Kris said that you got a lot of snow in Regina. We didn't get near the amount that had been forecast. Only about 5" instead of the 12 or so inches that were talked about.

    It has been snowing off and on again today. Hope you managed to find your way home.

    Belated Happy Birthday to Eli.

    God bless.

    1. Arrived home this afternoon with the highways cleared and no issues. The crew hadn't come by yet with the clearing equipment but there had been enough local traffic, and with some additional snow shovelling I was able to get out of the alley.

  5. Hope those snowstorms ease up soon!

    1. Me too! The long range doesn't suggests much snow in the next few weeks so I'm hoping we make it to April with not much more.

  6. Ugh on the snow, is right! I'm sure the 5 year old loves it!
    Happy Birthday Eli!

    1. Oh, he does love the snow. There's a pile in the back yard he can climb and slide down. He has a blast.

  7. I hear you about the snow. I will be so happy when it is gone.

    1. Another few weeks and this will just be a fading memory.

  8. We had snow here last week but it wasn't much compared to yours. I'm within walking distance of my work-place, so I'd have no excuse not to get there even if the city were snowed in.

    1. Where I worked (and my son does now too), unless you were from out of the city, one was expected to make it in even if you were delayed. Now, of course, most of the people work from home - though my son was in that day.

  9. Oh man, all that snow! I am not going to tell you that here it is 75, sunny and things all around me are blooming

    1. I'm so glad you're not going to tell me, :) Enjoy!

  10. Oh man, I hate the snow. I am so glad I am not having to deal with it now and I try to hre people to when necessary. My excuse is heart surgery. Obnly allowed to let my heart rate get to a certain number. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Let's compare Scottish relatives one day. WAIT. Have to get them from my teacher son...he's the genealogist of the family!!

    1. I hate the snow with a passion at this time of year. The first snow is pretty, after that it goes downhill.

      My ancestors mostly came from Paisley, Renfrewshire. This traces them back to the mid 1700's. Before that, things are much more murky. Some people have suggested we are related to the Stuart kings but I can find no clear evidence of that and thus I've refused to include some of that information in my tree. I'd rather be correct than make some incorrect assumption.

  11. Looks like enough snow! Good thing you took projects along on your visit!

    1. It was a last minute decision to take those items with me. So glad I did. :)


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