Saturday 24 June 2023

Delayed again, but a good week all round

The week started off well, as spending time with my friend C is always a lot of fun - lots of laughter ensues. We hit a dozen or more garage sales on Sunday and didn't buy a single garage. It's always helpful when a block has several houses participating. My best deal was an almost brand new Black and Decker toaster for $5. I have a toaster oven, but my son doesn't like using it. This toaster is meant for him, though I did use test it out and it works great. I did not buy any yarn, though I was tempted more than once. I had told C before we started, not to let me buy any just in case, but I behaved myself.

Monday morning, I had a text from the landscaper. We'd had a heavy rain (again) the night before and he advised he was going to be delayed for a few days. At least he let me know. I can't remember what I did for the rest of the day, though I pretty certain it involved a jigsaw puzzle, some knitting, and a baseball game. I did manage to pull some items for my garage sale as well.

The following morning, I had to run out to do an errand for my daughter. And of course, since it was Tuesday, and I was out anyway, I decided to hit up the thrift stores. Except I was too early, so I went to the Dollar store first where I picked up a couple of items for use on our camping trip before heading back to Value Village. There I found a 16 quart Coleman cooler for $3.85 after my seniors discount and taxes. I also found a large bag of Lego for Eli. It's one of his favorite activities, so now he'll have some to play with when he visits here. I talked to D, and all of the baby/toddler toys have been set aside for the garage sale.

We had more showers overnight, but just a wee bit of rain in the gauge on Wednesday morning. As you saw in the photo, the tomatoes are starting to develop. These are starts I seeded earlier in the spring. I'm happy they are doing so well. I noticed I have buds on my peppers as well, and though it continues to flower, the sole cucumber isn't growing at all. It was an experiment to see what would happen so I'm not too concerned. 

Wednesday was also stitch and chat. Just S and I were there. She had her first cataract surgery about 3 weeks ago, and the second a week or 10 days later. Now she needs new glasses but couldn't get an appointment with her optometrist until mid-July. As a result she didn't get a whole lot of stitching done, but we had a good chat. I had started a mitten before I left home, and came close to finishing it. 

We needed a few groceries so I took care of that on Thursday. I picked up a decent sized watermelon at Co-op for less than $5. When I mentioned it to my son that evening, he told me he doesn't like watermelon! I know my daughter doesn't care for it either - they both say they don't think it has much flavor and dislike the texture. I've already eaten half of the melon so it won't last long.  

On Friday morning, I drove out to my brother's to pick up the camping mats. We sat and had tea on the veranda before we took a walk around the yard. There were a number of birds to be seen and occasionally just heard as we visited. A Cat bird was calling, a western King bird flew by several times, an Oriole went to the feeder in the front yard, and a purple Martin made an appearance. (I can thank R for identifying each of them for me.) I got photos of none of these, but did capture a shot of the hummingbird visiting the feeder hanging on the veranda.

After a couple of cups of a tea and a chat, I prepared to head home. Before I left, we went out to the garage/shop where R had built a couple of Adirondack chairs. He took careful measurements of the chair they own, made patterns out of rough lumber, and used these to cut the pieces of the chair. One of the chairs was created using old cabinet doors and the second from lumber salvaged from a friend's tear-down of an old porch. The first is quite lightweight but still solid. The second is heavy and he plans to gift it to his friend.

From there we headed out to the garden their friend M planted. She lives in the city and R or his daughter L water it for her. They don't weed it though, and it appears a lot didn't germinate. She's planning to re-seed next week as she is staying at the farm for two weeks while the family is off on their Iceland adventures. On our way to the garden, R spotted this frog. I could not see it in the grass until he pointed it out. 

It certainly is camouflaged well in the grass. When we walked back to the house, it didn't even move.

Back at home I finished the jigsaw puzzle I'd bought at a garage sale on the weekend. I purchased it because it referenced 100 chickens and a worm on the box; both C and I looked over the picture on the box, but neither of us could find the I had to buy it to try to find the darned worm. I did not count the chickens, nor was I able to find the worm either. Even though it is missing three pieces, I've told C I'm giving it to her and she can hunt for it.

I never heard another word from the landscaper. I'll give him the weekend, and then I plan to phone him on Monday morning to (hopefully) get a straight answer as to when I can expect him here. I realize it isn't a large job but still I want it done, and done soon.

There was some housework completed this week, though I must admit to slacking off somewhat. The major task was replacing the paper on top of the kitchen cabinets. I learned this hack from another blogger, who sadly isn't with us anymore, and it sure helps to keep the dust off the top of the cabinets. With all the drywall dust it was a much needed task.

Instead, I spent more time on Ancestry. The 1931 census records are now available and the hints are populating. I haven't had much luck with close family members (yet) as the detailed information is slowing being added to the database. I can search by location rather than name - but specifically with my great-grandparents, I'm not certain where they were living. I turned my attention to earlier members of the family and was excited to find a newspaper notice for my 3X great grandmother's death. Published in December, 1886, in Scotland, it provided the date of her death. 

It also provides a clue as to the occupation of my 3X great-grandfather. I've learned that a carrier regularly delivered goods between towns and villages. 
I also located in a Canadian newspaper a notice of my great-grandparents marriage in 1889. Mary Adamson was my great-grandfather's maternal grandmother. His paternal side of the family continues to be a mystery.

Today is going to be another restful day. I'll putter on Ancestry to see what else I might find, there is football and baseball to watch, and I'll continue my mitten knitting. I've got the first mitt of a fourth pair on the needles. There are "mom burgers" thawing in refridgerator for tonight's dinner, and I've got pasta cooking on the stove for a salad. I hop you are all enjoying the start of your weekend too.

Have a wonderful week ahead!


  1. I sure love a good sweet watermelon. Nice and cold - Mmmmm. That is a summer treat to me.
    Love the puzzle - too cute.
    Sounds like a nice laid back week - the kind I seem to enjoy most these days.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. I'm with you, nothing says summer like watermelon. :)

  2. I love watermelon, sprinkled with salt. So refreshing!
    Maybe one of those chickens was hungry for a bit of worm!?

    1. I've never heard of salt on watermelon, but I have eaten it with prosciutto before and that's salty too.
      Who knows about the worm, I was just annoyed I couldn't find it. :p

  3. You were busy again. I was particularly interested in your finds on Ancestry. What great luck to get info on a 3x great. Have a wonderful week.

    1. I was pretty darn excited too. Especially, finding two in one day from the same family.

  4. You have been busy! Good job on not buying yarn at garage sales! Hope you get your landscaping done this week!

    1. Fingers crossed, I hear from him today. However, we've more rain in the forecast so I suspect that will delay it again. There are things he could do despite the rain but...

  5. I'm impressed you didn't buy any yarn! LOL. Great buy on the toaster.

    BTW, I must have missed a previous post, I didn't realize you were going camping. As in with a tent? I tent-camped a lot with my parents when I was young, and a few times as a 20-something, but not since. I don't like it at all, I'd much prefer to hike in the woods for the day, then spend the night in a 4-star hotel. LOL.

    I do like watermelon very much and I'm old enough to remember when it had seeds--eating the melon outside on a summer's day and spitting out those seeds into the grass.

    I had to look very closely to see the frog, missed him the first time. Great camouflage!

    Good luck with the landscaping, I hope you get it done soon.

    1. I'm pretty certain I mentioned camping awhile ago - it's Eli's choice, not mine. :p It will be interesting to see how I manage as I haven't tented since I was a teenager. Mom bought a camper before I left home and we used that a couple of summers. After that, I'd rather have a hotel too.

  6. I love watermelon; send me whatever your children don't want!

    I couldn't find the worm, either, even when I enlarged the picture, though it's not surprising. The picture reminded me of an old snakes-and-ladders game board my family used to have. It was quite old when I was a boy, and had illustration I suspect they no longer have, if they still have snakes-and-ladders as a game. The board was probably left behind or thrown out, and its kind is likely worth hundreds of dollars now.

    I'd move on to another landscaper, one who wants the work...

    1. Sorry, there's less than half of the watermelon left now. I do so enjoy it.
      I'd consider moving on to another landscaper, except I've paid for materials assuming he was available the next week. There will be a serious conversation later this morning, and a BBB review issued.

    2. I agree. Enough with the waiting!

  7. Oh, and I used to put paper on top of kitchen cupboards, too, but Imogen would knock it down - or she'd slide on it jumping up and fall and hurt herself. As usual, everything depends on the cats...

    1. Saku is the only cat of mine that used to get on top of the cabinets. At 15 he no longer even tries so I'm safe to do so. Absolutely, it's all about the cats!

  8. Enjoyed all of the blog and would have given a pretty penny to ne blog for the garage sales.

  9. No yarn!!! Now that surprises me. I really need to get out to some yard sales very soon.

    What a lovely week you had. I hope your weekend continued to be just as good.

    We got 1/2 inch of rain yesterday. Really needed in this corner of the province.

    God bless.


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