Saturday 2 March 2024

Stormy weather, sunny skies ahead

The weather has been up and down with miserable cold weather starting Monday overnight and lasting until Wednesday overnight. It was -26C (-15F) when I woke both mornings, with windchills into the high -30C's. Let's just say it was cold. We also got snow on Monday so I was out shovelling the darn stuff, not once but twice as it wouldn't let up. We didn't get as much as other areas of the province, but ended up with about 4 inches on the ground. 

Then the weather gods smiled on us and the temperature started climbing on Wednesday, at 4:30 p.m. it was up to -14C (7F). By morning it was warmer still, and our afternoon high reached slightly above freezing. Weird and wacky weather indeed. The downspout on the front of the house has a leak at the elbow and the melting has dripped onto the cottoneaster hedge making a pretty pattern on the branches.

I met my friend and travel agent for coffee/tea on Monday morning - we had a lovely visit catching up on one another's lives. We realized the last time we got together was last summer! Hopefully we can manage another visit in May or June, she is incredibly busy with her travel agency and her family. When I left the shop, the snow was coming down and the streets were quite icy. I did stop in at Value Village where I managed to find a green t-shirt for my cruise. We'll be onboard on March 17th so I wanted something for St. Patrick's Day. 

With the nasty weather on Tuesday, I stayed home and mostly indoors and did lots of housework. In between tasks I managed to arrange movers for April. We take possession on the 10th, my stuff will move from the city on the 11th, and then D's move will happen the following day. D will start moving boxes over on possession date and I'll assist the next day. The movers are planning to be here in the city at 9:00 a.m. and we should be at the house and hopefully unloaded shortly after noon. I have about 50 boxes, some garden items, and only two pieces of furniture that are going with me. The majority of the boxes are already packed and stored in the garage - though some boxes will need to be re-packed/taped shut. I know what I'm doing when I return from my cruise. :)

Stitch and chat was Wednesday and Io and I were joined by another lady, W. Small world, Io and W knew each other already through the church they both once attended. Neither knew the other would be there that afternoon.

I did some running around on Thursday morning, getting some additional cat food, litter, and a few groceries. There is lots of food in the pantry and fridge for my son and I'm well stocked on cat food as well. C will need to pick up a few things, I'm sure, like bread and milk. But I also know full well, that there will be pizza and subs ordered too. 

Thursday was also the day for the home inspection. All went reasonably well, there are some repairs needed, particularly on the exterior of the home. Most of those repairs relate to ensuring that water is not able to infiltrate the house (moving some downspouts, repairing flashing around the chimney and properly nailing down the ridge cap). It appears the shingles were replaced within the last year and some of the work wasn't completely finished. The eavestroughs need clearing - something we do on our own. The inspector also pointed out where windows and doors need the silcone replaced and recommended replacing the front door of the porch. The last item was something we'd already decided needed to be done. All in all, things went well and the more expensive items like the furnace and water heater are in good shape. With this information we lifted the conditions on Friday, ahead of schedule.

The men's Brier (Canadian curling championship) started on Friday evening. It is being held here in the city, though I've decided to watch from home.  I spent the day doing laundry, prepping income tax returns, and chatting with Rob the realtor. In the meantime, D went shopping (locally) and found a great deal on a dishwasher. She called me, I gave the store my credit card number and they'll hold the appliance until we move in. That's one of the nice things about dealing with a store in a small town. For certian, The Brick or Leon's would never have permitted us to store it with them.

Today we're expecting a storm originating south of the border. Accumulation amounts range from about 6 inches here in the city to double that where D and Eli live. She's already decided, should the forecast be correct, that Monday will be a snow day for them. She'll take her time shovelling out in the back, as the city will need to clear the alleyways before she can get out anyway.

The countdown to my cruise continues. I am to fly out on Wednesday morning, though with more snow expected on Tuesday, I might be delayed (fingers crossed I will not). Since I've given myself leeway - the cruise doesn't sail until Saturday, I'm sure I'll get there in plenty of time. I'm pretty much packed, just a last few items to go in the bags. Before I leave though, I have one more thing to take care of - the car goes into the shop to have the side mirror replaced. I won't be recommending this business any time soon as it has taken two weeks for them to paint the mirror so that it can be installed!

Have a great week ahead everyone! If you're in the path of this or any other storm, stay safe.

P.S. One more thing, today is our Eli's 7th birthday! How did that happen?


  1. Where does time go? Happy birthday to your sweet grandson.

    I hope you can leave as scheduled this week. Smart to have some leeway though, especially this time of year.

    1. Thank you Marie, he had a wonderful day yesterday.
      I ran into issues last year when I flew out a day ahead of time, and though I made it well ahead of time, I decided not to risk it this year.

  2. That is a lot of snow and cold. You all stay safe - hope your flight is on schedule.
    You have been busy and taking care of all goodies!
    If you don't post again for a while - have a wonderful trip! The warmth will be wonderful!

    1. Thanks Cheryl. The weather network is suggesting we have 4 inches on the ground but it doesn't appear to be that much.

  3. We've had nice-ish weather this week; some warmish days, but some rainy one, too.
    At least no frigid and no snow!

    1. Send some of that weather to me, thanks! :)

  4. Happy Birthday Eli! Hope the storm isn't too bad. Makes the sound of your cruise very inviting.

    1. Thanks Janice. So far we're not getting what they were suggesting, and I hope that continues.

  5. Happy birthday to Eli! 🎂🎉

    Gosh, 7 years have passed so quickly. I hope he's having a great day.

    Have fun on your cruise! I hope that your travels are smooth and glitch-free.

    And wow, you'll be busy when you get back! I'm sure you will manage it all efficiently, as you seem to do with everything else. I could use you as a project manager for my own life. 😆

    Take care!

    1. Thanks Kim.
      I forsee the spring being very busy as I plan to be back and forth a few times. Even so, I'm looking forward to it.

  6. Happy Birthday to Eli. You enjoy that cruise, good for you in planning ahead in case of nasty weather.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie. I'm definitely looking forward to getting away from winter for a bit.

  7. Happy Birthday, Eli. He's growing up so fast, I'm happy you are close enough to enjoy time with him as you do.

    1. Thanks Patsy. He is growing up quickly...some days I miss him being little (when he's been sassy), but he's become such an interesting kid.

  8. Happy Birthday to Eli! A cruise and a new house...lots of fun stuff in your future!

    1. Thanks Connie. Yes, it's definitely going to be fun.

  9. Your life sounds like a game of revolving chairs at the moment. Hope everything goes well until it all settles down again!

    1. It's a game I've been wanting to play for five years. Things are finally coming to fruition...just all at once. :)

  10. Hope you're packed by now. Have a wonderful time!


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