Friday 28 January 2022

Friday Funny


  1. Ha ha, that is so funny and true for they are soon to arrive here.

  2. Right on the money! A couple of days ago my dad sent me pics of snowdrops up (they're in Delta, BC) and I replied that seeing someone else's flowers in bloom in January does NOT cheer me up. :-P

  3. Love it! We are still digging out from the 2 foot dump we got over a week ago - there are PILES of snow everywhere! The city has dumped trucks out taking it to various park locations - apparently they have already moved 17,000 tons - and you'd never no it! Stay warm!

  4. That is almost what our backyard looks like. LOL.

    God bless.

  5. That made me laugh out loud! That's exactly what I've been doing! I even started some plants indoors for the coming gardening season!!!!

  6. I smiled remembering those days. The garden catalogs always brought a ray of hope though.


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