Saturday 3 December 2022

Cold and a cold

No, I didn't buy the bread in Wednesday's photo - I bought a competitors brand that was "on sale" for $2.99 a loaf. I could hardly believe the price on the Dempsters bread - I'm thinking it will go stale on the shelf before it gets sold. Is it any wonder that grocery chains are making profits hand over fist?

The week started out cold and got colder still by mid-week. And the head and chest cold that I thought I avoided finally caught up with me and by Wednesday I was, as my son said, "hacking up a lung". If I hadn't gone out to feed the birds and squirrels that morning, I probably would not have gotten out of my pj's.

Because of the forecast I had gone out Monday and picked up some groceries, dropped off some baking at my friends, and did a Dollar store run. D asked me to check for a certain item that has shown up in stores in Ontario. Of course it wasn't there but I found the nicest paper gift bags. These aren't the shiny paper, but decorated brown paper bags. I'm a big proponent of re-using gift bags, but these were too cute and the price was right too.

Then Thursday arrived with slightly warmer weather and snow. There was a good half inch layer when I went out to feed the birds and squirrels about 8:30. Thankfully, my cold seems to have mostly cleared - that was fast - and I was feeling energetic enough to go out and shovel the driveway before C got home. I prefer to clear it before he drives on it and packs the snow down. 

Once the snow had fallen, Mother Nature turned mean again, with temperatures falling to -25C (-13F) on Friday. According to the Environment Canada, with the windchill it felt like -38C (-36F). I did venture out just long enough to feed the birds but beyond that it was another stay at home day. These are the days that I am grateful to be retired and able to do just that.

I finished my Christmas letter, and got the few cards I'm sending ready for mailing next week. As well, I pulled the gifts from my closet, checked them against my list. Just a few things to pick up, mostly gift cards for my niece and nephew and the "Santa" gifts for my kids. Sometimes that's socks, sometimes food items - this year food will probably win out. I'm been holding off on the gift cards because the grocery store usually has a deal just before Christmas that provides bonus points when you buy a certain dollar value of gift cards. Something for them, a little something for me.

Some items were finished this week, including a pair of mittens for donation, and the five angels for Eli. I finished a toque for the little guy and the first of a  pair of matching mittens is on the needles. I should be able to finish them this weekend too. These items are being made from some lovely Paint Box yarn I found at Value Village. The original skeins are about $5.50 a piece, and I paid $5.99 for five skeins. I do so like a bargain.

Thankfully, my cold is pretty much over with - it wasn't Covid, I did test just in case. The weather is improving too, just -19C (-2F) this morning, and we're supposed to see a warming trend through the weekend, -4C (25F) is the forecast high for Sunday. It'll be almost t-shirt weather! Just kidding. 

Not much else happening around here. Because I don't watch football/soccer, I've been catching up on PVR'ed television. There will be curling streaming starting on Sunday...I remembered to check the schedule so hopefully I'll catch some of the draws. I've also been working on Ancestry, and I think I'm coming close to the end of the material I can add. However, I purchased a book on Genealogy and have found additional sites for research. I do limit the amount of time I spent on the project, otherwise nothing else would get done around here.

Have a great week ahead everyone. I hope the weather is kind to you, where ever you are.


  1. Phew, glad that wasn't your only choice of bread to buy.
    So sorry about the cold and glad it is leaving you. I had one and they aren't fun.
    Those negative degree temps are way beyond my ability to cope. Hope you are staying warm.

    1. I'm grateful to be retired on these days, as I don't have to go out unless I want to. So except for feeding the birds, and taking out the garbage I stay indoors and stay warm.

  2. Glad you are re-cooping from the cold. Those temps sound horrible! Tonight we may hit 20*F - but then back up in the 40's for most of next week. So far so good here.
    Sounds like you are really getting ready for the holiday! Enjoy the remainder of your weekend!

    1. Thanks Cheryl. I have a feeling we're in for a long winter this year. Christmas is a bright spot. :)

  3. Glad you didn’t have Covid. The flu is rampant here. My husband and I have our shots but I am determined to get my shopping done and wear a mask everywhere I go. Not too many people are doing that now.

    The -38 sounds unbearable!

    1. I'm still masking too and don't intend to stop for some time yet. My son is working and I don't want to bring anything home to him.
      The flu cases are high here too. Sadly, there was a four year old who died of the flu here just last week.

  4. Hope you recover completely from your cold. The weather is just nasty cold here. :)

    1. I hear you Connie. It's early but I'm already tired of winter.

  5. As annoying as a cold is, you seem to have caught one that didn't want to stick around for long, fortunately. Regina and southern Alberta seem to be corresponding with their weather. We had deep-freeze temperatures for a week or more, but now a chinook has moved in and the thermometer says about the same as yours - as long as it stays out of the wind.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think we've got the tail end of your chinook today, it's already -7C, but feeling like -16C with the wind. Tomorrow we're back in the deep freeze for a couple of days.
      Can you actually get out of the wind in Lethbridge? :)

    3. Not really. When the wind blows, even the interiors of buildings cool down; water in toilet-bowls sway and there is a breeze through the slots of electrical sockets...

  6. I'm glad your COLD is almost gone. We are stubborn and won't even test. If the symptoms are just that of a cold, that's what it is. We do practice safe visiting etc. rules as we always have before Covid.

    1. I feel the need to test for my son because he has to go to work. If I were to get Covid, I'd feel the need to isolate from him so he doesn't inadvertently spread it in the office.
      I was glad it was just a cold.

  7. Looks like we are in the same path with a cold. I will make an appt at the drug store and see if I can get a covid test. It seems to be a bad cold. Classic symptoms of a common cold- that I looked up as it has been awhile since I had one. Sneezing sniffling, coughing, sore throat and my voice sounds like a man's. Coughing up my long too.

    1. We still have access to rapid access test kits here. I picked up another box of 5 the last time I was at the library.
      Hope you're feeling better soon Carole!

  8. I would never pay that for that brand of bread... ridiculous. I was so glad to be able to stay home on those very cold days.

    You did well to get another rapid test kit, I think ours are all gone here, but I do have another box of 5 that I picked up a while ago. I plan on using it soon as I am starting to cough and sneeze.

    God bless.


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