Saturday 10 December 2022

Nearing the end

There is a reason that weather is a constant topic in this province. We often use the old saying, "if you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes". I wish I could say the cold that blew in on Tuesday moved on that quickly but we were stuck with the wind through the following day as well. I have to tell you, waking up to -36C with a windchill of -48C does not make me happy. I've said it before, (and I'll likely say it again), I wish I could go back in time and tell my ancestors to re-think their choice of location to settle. Of course, I probably wouldn't be here if they had.

Knowing cold weather was heading our way, I went out on Monday, in the relatively warmer -20C (-4F) to get a few groceries, some cat food, and look for a few more Christmas gifts. I spent more on the groceries than I had planned, but I was able to take advantage of some "sale" prices so stocked up on ground pork, ground beef, frozen French fries and vegetables, as well as the always needed toilet paper. The cat's cupboard has at least three weeks of wet food too, though I went with a different brand than Saku is used too as the price on his Fancy Feast has increased again. Hopefully he doesn't turn his nose up at this brand or it will be more expensive in the long run. (A few days in and he seems to like it...of course, with a cat that can change as quickly as the weather.)

I found one item for a Christmas gift for my daughter,  but totally failed in finding Christmas pajamas for Eli. It has become a tradition that G'ma has new pj's for Christmas Eve. Speaking of Eli, he got to have a visit with Santa on Sunday at a local craft fair. I have my own thoughts on what the little stinker was thinking in this photo...and I think Santa needs to learn how to smile. 

With Wednesday's cold so brutal, I had a text from one of the stitching ladies saying she wouldn't be there that day. I thought that was a great idea, so I stayed home too and did a little more Christmas baking. Patty, it was my day for baking mishaps. I mixed together a batch of chocolate cookie dough to make sandwich cookies. The recipe called for two squares of chocolate - I thought that was too little so added four and it wasn't until they were baked that I realized the recipe was calling for 2 ounces of chocolate and not two squares of the baking chocolate. So my chocolate cookies came out a little pale - they taste fine, and they'll taste even better with the peppermint and crushed candy cane icing. The mishaps didn't end there: while the cookie dough was chilling in the fridge, I decided to make a pan of toffee squares (shortbread base, toffee center, chocolate coating). I had the shortbread base in the oven, when I went to open the sweetened condensed milk for the toffee when I realized the can had a bulge in it. I took it over the garbage can, popped the top and discovered it had spoiled. I quickly flipped through my recipes for a topping. Thankfully, the base hadn't fully cooked, so I was able to make butter tart squares. Not exactly what I'd planned but the squares turned out just fine in the end.

Other than another batch of shortbread and a pan of Rice Krispie squares, I'm finished with the baking. But I do need to set an afternoon aside to decorate the sugar cookies and finish the sandwich cookies. True story: Eli doesn't care for home baked cookies and cake. I say, I haven't met a kid who doesn't like Rice Krispie squares...and I plan to add M&M's to the mix. I guess we'll find out on Christmas Eve, whether I'm right.

On the knitting/crocheting front, I finished Eli's mitts on Sunday and packed the set (mitts and toque) and the angels for his teachers and mailed them off to D on Monday. I'd made the cups of cocoa ornaments to add to the gifts for my brother and SIL, and decided I needed to make something for the niece and nephew too. I found this cute pattern for snowmen, so made a pair for them. The pattern for the nose just didn't work for me, so I fiddled around and made something I could live with. I know the carrots aren't truly orange but I didn't have the proper colored yarn and used what I had. I should have used finer yarn for the mouth, but again, I used what I had. They're like anything else I make, I can always see the mistakes and think of ways how I ought to have done things after they're finished.

There is a scarf using some of the thrift store yarn on the needles, and I hope to get another bag of donations ready to drop off next week. AND Eli's sweater continues to languish in the basket waiting to be picked up again. I've put the two fronts and back on the needles so it's just a matter of finishing the bodice but for some reason I keep procrastinating. 

Curling started on Sunday, but I had difficulty streaming it on my laptop. I contacted the network and got a very unhelpful response. The days of telling me to clear my history, shut down the browser and re-open it, are long past. I'd already done everything before I reached out and I told them so in a reply. Funny, I didn't get any further response. The streaming got better as the week went along but I was very annoyed when the connection cut out at the end of a very exciting game and I missed the last two shots of the draw. (Okay, I get that exciting isn't what most people would call it). 

Then on Thursday, when the play-offs were starting at the Everest Canadian Seniors, the Grand Slam of Curling's Masters event was televised. So I switched to watching that, though I'll try to catch the finals of the Seniors today.

I did run out between draws on Thursday and managed to find pj's for Eli, a pair of slippers for my SIL, and a couple of small items for my adult children from Santa. So, with the exception of the gift cards for niece and nephew, I'm done shopping this year. Friday morning, I pulled out all the wrapping paper, bags and tags and got everything wrapped or tucked into the bags. Except for the Santa gifts (which are set aside in the craft room closet) everything is under or beside the tree. I've used more bags this year than ever before - it's far easier than wrapping and I'm lazy.

Well, not entirely, as I needed to shovel once again on Friday. There wasn't a whole lot of snow but the sidewalk needed clearing.  Our city has enacted a bylaw that requires city sidewalks be cleared without 48 hours of snowfall. I'm about 36 hours late but it was too darned cold earlier in the week. It annoys me the city rarely clears residential streets but has a much higher standard for residents. 

This weekend will be spent doing what I enjoy most. Watching curling, knitting, and doing little else. I'll catch up on housework next week. Oh and that ever changing weather. I woke to -14C (7F) and we're forecast to reach -9C (16F) this afternoon. As long as it's not windy, the temperature will feel almost balmy. :) 

Have a great week ahead everyone!

P.S. The neighbour's house just down the street is all lit up for Christmas.


  1. The damp cold of -13 here makes me shiver for the rest of the day after a walk. I cannot imagine -48. I’d never see the outside again!

    1. I do tend to stay indoors when the weather is that cold, and am grateful to be retired and able to do so.
      There is a difference though - I've been in Montreal at -40 and it feels much colder than it does here. I'm told it is because of the moisture in the air. In Saskatchewan, it's generally dry and that layer of moisture on the skin isn't there. Either way, -40 in any sense isn't pleasant.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Like Marie, those negative numbers would keep me inside. Phew.
    I love your snowmen. You are too self critical as most of us are. They are adorable.

    1. Thanks Patti. I always compare my work to the original pattern and feel I come short. I'll keep working on it though.

  4. Oh, with those temperatures, I'd stay in until it warmed up considerably. But I wouldn't be able to stay as busy as you...

    1. Sometimes I think I just make work for myself. And one thing leads to another.
      Yep, I'm staying indoors as much as possible.

  5. Dear me oh my - that is cold! I will not ever say I am envious of that weather!!!!
    I think the snowmen are darling. Hmmm - maybe Santa knew what Eli was thinking too!!!! LOL
    You can make sweetened condensed milk very easily.
    Sounds like you are about ready for all things festive. The neighbors house is pretty.
    Have a good week and STAY WARM!

    1. Thanks Cheryl.
      I have the sense the little fellow was about to say, "I fawted on you". Bathroom humour and 5 year olds seem to be constant companions. :)

  6. Here in Grey County we sat "If you don't like the weather just wait 5 minutes."

    1. Okay that's a little too changeable for me.

  7. Those are pretty cold temps. I'm so glad we get Chinooks so we get a break from the bonechilling temps once in a while. It sure would be interesting to know what Eli was thinking, lol. You have been busy with your crafts, as usual, and lots of people are getting some very nice gifts made by you! SDtay home and keep warm!

    1. I do so wish your Chinooks would make it this far.
      My guess: Eli is just about to tell Santa, "I fawted on you". He often says that to me when he's on my lap. :)

  8. Yes, i agree with everyone. That is cold!
    I thank you for the baking stories, I'm not sure if you meant me. Patsy, when you said Patty, but it fit! 😊
    Love the cute pix of Eli with Santa. He is growing so fast!!
    Your snowmen are adorable, you are much too hard on yourself. They look perfect to me.

  9. Sorry Patsy, I did mean you and I misspelled your name. I wanted you to know, you're not the only one.


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