Saturday 30 September 2023

Keeping busy

Things haven't completely calmed down just yet. The broker my son is using for this transacton is a bit of dweeb in my estimation. C noticed a couple of discrepancies in the paper work he forwarded to him for his signature and asked me to look at them. (He's nervous about buying his first property, I get it). I absolutely agreed with his concerns, and though he sent an e-mail to the broker on Wednesday, the corrections weren't made until Friday morning. It shouldn't be an issue, as the mortgage has been approved, it just has to go to an underwriter for completion and the issuance of a letter confirming the financing. 

In the meantime, I've been packing. Oh, I know we haven't had the house inspection yet, and I'll still have just over a month to get it done, but I'm using the packing to go through the rooms, sorting, tossing, donating or packing. Anything that we won't need in the next few weeks is fair game. For example I have a set of dinnerware we don't regularly use, so that's been packed, but the winter jackets in the front hall closet will stay there...who knows we may have snow in early November. 

I had spent time doing some sorting in July and August and had a pile of items for a possible garage sale. Well, the rain in the forecast and cooler temperatures had me re-thinking that idea. So on Thursday, I loaded the trunk and backseat of the car with items to donate. That task only cleared out the closet in the spare room! After I dropped off the donations at Salvation Army and Value Village, I returned home to re-fill the trunk and backseat with more items I had stored in the garage. I haven't dropped those off, but will do so early next week. 

In addition, as I packed boxes, I moved them into a central area. The boxes in the basement are in the mostly empty room with C's computer. He didn't even notice them at first, :).  There are still a few partial boxes in the craft room that need to be filled and closed and a few empty totes (maybe I bought too many). 

Upstairs the boxes are stored in the spare room. I'm not nearly as far along packing the upstairs, but that's because most day-to-day items are kept there. But I've made a dent by filling a wardrobe box with clothing that I don't regularly wear (a few dress clothes and cruise wear mostly). As I mentioned dishes that aren't used regularly have been packed, and I've started a box of extra glassware and mugs. 

My brother came by on Thursday too, to check out the "loose" beam. He used a rubber mallet in an attempt to raise the beam from below. He said it was jammed in there so tight, it took a lot of muscle to move it a mere 1/4 inch. (We can see a slightly different paint color on the wall). He also affixed the bit of cladding with a couple of brad nails. It still doesn't completely line up with the roof line, but the gap is smaller and that beam is going nowhere. To satisify the sellers, we created a receipt that read, "No structural damage, decorative beam is solid. Brad nail one piece of cladding. No charge, minimal work required." I passed on this document with his comments to my realtor. I didn't hear anything further, so I assume this satisfies the buyer.

In between bouts of packing, I've been watching curling. Oh yes, I'm in my happy place! The PointsBet invitational is being held in Oakville, Ontario and aired on TSN. The event started with 16 men and women's teams, with 8 in each bracket. It's win or go home event - it started on Wednesday and will finish today. I've checked and I don't see any other events being televised in the near future but I'm sure some will be live-streamed. There's also baseball and football to keep me amused.

And finally, this to make me happy!

Have a great week ahead everyone.


  1. Smart to start the sorting and packing already - no need to be rushed at the last minute. Sounds like you have a great plan!

    1. Thanks Cheryl. Thus far I haven't packed anything I've needed to keep out, so the plan is working. :)

  2. That sold sign must be the best thing you've seen in a while! Good luck with all the sorting and packing, that's the part I dread the most when it comes my turn. 😁

    1. I was so excited to see it when I arrived home from dropping off the donations. For the most part, the packing is going well and it's helping me pare down the amount of stuff I've got. That's a good thing!

  3. Now comes the anti-climax of the move: I hate moving, but everyone's experience is different. May yours be swift and easy; having an early start on it is a good idea. And it's smart of your son to concern himself with details. If the realtor doesn't smarten up, he could find himself in trouble with a client at some time in the future.

    1. Actually, I'm quite excited at the thought of the move. It will be good to have my son in his own home (though I'll have to remember it is his and not mine!).
      Thanks John. I do hope the move goes as easily as the last move, 13 years ago, was. I plan on using the same movers and I actually have less to move.
      It wasn't the realtor in this case, it was the mortgage broker who messed up. He decided to go with a recommendation from a work colleague rather than the broker recommended by our realtor. He's beginning to wish he hadn't!

  4. Packing is a job, I am glad things are going well for you!

  5. I am still looking into condos, apartments and small homes in your city, since that is where we will move eventually. Nothing that really strikes our fancy as of yet. So like you I am downsizing, pulling items to donate, and using up all that I can.

    Love the sold sign.

    God bless.

    1. There aren't very many condos available at the moment. I'm sure your son will have told you that Harbour Landing was (mostly) built on a snow dump so it's not the best place to buy.
      C's initial budget was $225-$250K and there was very few decent properties in that range. With our clay soil, the basements tended to be a mess. Raising the budget to $275K was necessary and even with that increase, we saw a lot of terrible houses. Frankly, it was an estate sale (the first he offered on), and a older couple downsizing (the current house), that were the best maintained, even if a little dated.

    2. You know, I recall you're telling us about the housing and the pricing in another blog. I still remember.

  6. Packing for a move is a great way to purge. I try to do that part once a year, just as if we were moving out of the Suite. Yes, a small space needs it too! haha

    1. I'm actually enjoying the packing, as it is helping me decide what is most important/needed. I can imagine a small place would need to be sorted through quite often. It's too easy to gather things up!

  7. Moving house brings its own level of stress, but getting rid of a bunch of stuff is therapeutic in its own way.

    1. You're right, I'm quite happy to get the stuff out of the house. The packing is going very well, and the next task is to find a mover.

  8. I need to plan a move just to get rid of some of the unnecessary "stuff" I have managed to accumulate over the years.

  9. You are amazing. I have always said that and you show it every time! I have never seen anyone work as hard and well as you do. A few years back I could have give you a run for the money but now....not so much. I'd have to spend all my money to get my place packed and ready to move.


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