Thursday 15 February 2024


 Eli underwent the MRI on Thursday about mid-day. I went up to the hospital to spend a few hours and ended up taking them home with me. The doctor cleared him for release about 3:30 p.m. but by the time the paperwork was complete, it was after 5 p.m. D needed to stop at the dollar store for a few items and then we headed home.

Good news - the MRI was clear. The doctor said when a child has two or more seizures (in his case, two), the diagnosis is epilepsy. One of my readers, Red mentioned juvenile epilepsy in his comment and though the doctor didn't refer to it that way, I suspect this is what she meant. Eli has been prescribed a low dose of anti-seizure medication, to be increased over time. I'm hopeful that this will ensure he is seizure free.

You ought to have seen the bags of stuff he came home from the hospital with. There were the things that we brought with us, his blankets, I-Pad and a stuffie that the home hospital gave him. Then there were the things I purchased for him and his mom - clothing, snacks, and toiletries. We hadn't expected he would be in the hospital this long. D says she's going to pack a go bag when they get home. Should this ever happen again, she'll be prepared to stay for a few days.

The city hospital provided more toys, books, crayons and coloring book. Finally, one of Eli's teachers arrived Thursday morning with a bag of goodies, with more toys, books, and snacks! It took me two trips to take everything down to the car. 

I think I can safely say, both his mother and I are emotionally exhausted. Of course, it has been worse for her; it's been a long week and though I was able to spend time at home during the ordeal, she has been at the hospital advocating for her son.  I know she's looking forward to getting home to her own bed soon. On the other hand, Eli is quite happily ensconced on the couch watching television and eating watermelon.  

Thank you all for your words of encouragement and concern. I truly appreciate your support!


  1. Seizures are scary to watch so I hope the medication ends seizures. People aren't going to die from seizures. For mine when I hit puberty the seizures ended. I had many epileptics over the years I taught. Most were very well controlled. 3 or 4 were not well controlled. I can tell you've been on a stressful ride. Good luck on this one.

  2. I'm glad Eli has been released and that the MRI was clear. Epilepsy had crossed my mind, but I don't know anything about it. My dad's second ex-wife has had it all her life, though, and it certainly hasn't held her back! I hope the medication manages it well for Eli. Can children "outgrow" it? Or is it usually a lifelong issue?

  3. Glad the MRI were clear. Here's hoping the meds do their job, and Eli will be seizure free. Glad you are all home and can get some 'rest' now!

  4. Children are so resilient. I can imagine you and your daughter are exhausted while Eli looks to have rebounded so quickly…thankfully! I am so glad you have answers and a path forward!

  5. I know little about MRIs - even though I think I've had one. You wrote that it was 'clear' and then wrote of epilepsy. Does the clear MRI mean that epilepsy is not involved? In any case, the clearance of the MRI is good news. That much I like.

  6. I am so glad to read that Eli is out of the hospital. I was actually wondering about epilepsy, but don't know enough about it to have made a comment on it. Hope all goes well with the medication.

    God bless.

  7. So sorry you're going through the worry. Sending good vibes to Eli! One of the big pain medications I'm on is an anti-seizure medication.

  8. This is the kind of worry no parent or grandparent should have to endure but you both are strong and so is that little man. So glad he is being looked after.
    Sending hugs.

  9. I am so so so sorry I had no idea they were going through this. You are too I will read back and see what has matters very much to me. I feel like I know both you and Eli. Thank goodness he is home now. I wonder what started this physical trial all of you, certainly Eli, is dealing with. XXOO


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