Saturday 15 June 2024

Rain, rain, go away - the weeds won't quit growing!

First things first - the house is SOLD!

Second, Cheryl was correct.  That weird contraption in the photo from Wednesday is a homemade gumball/jellybean machine. I did a Google lens image search to learn this fact, as when I took the photo (at Value Village - good catch, Kim), I had no clue. How they arrived at a price of $7.99 for the item, is beyond me. For the record, I did not buy it. 

Our weird weather has continued. On Sunday morning, we woke to near freezing weather. The airport just on the outskirts of the city registered -1.1C (30F) sometime overnight, though it was slightly warmer in the city proper. The day warmed up nicely, and I spent a couple of hours in the back yard. I got the debris and weeds I'll pulled raked up, sprayed the weeds that were left behind, and started the clean up of the area between the house and garage. (No photos yet, it's still a mess). Argghh...I found more garbage back there, pieces of metal, wood, broken bricks and pavers, hiding under the a/c unit and behind the gate, most of it covered by leaves. I also managed to move the remaining stones out to the front yard. By noon, I was done and ready to enjoy an afternoon of baseball, football and later in the evening, hockey. 

Monday, started off sunny, but clouded over by 9:30 a.m. and then the rain started. In just over an hour we'd had a 11 millimeters of rain (about 4/10ths of an inch). It continued to rain and by day's end we had received 27.4 mm - just over an inch of rain. My attempt at creating a river to run the rain off the front flower bed wasn't quite right, so I had to go out and move a couple of rocks. Note: most of these rocks were moved from the back yard. Just a couple minutes outside and I was soaked! I was so glad I'd gone out early in the morning, and made my grocery run. I spent the afternoon knitting dish cloths and starting another kitchen towel.

On the other hand, Tuesday started out cool'ish and warmed up steadily through the day. I couldn't get out in the back yard, as it was again, a mudpit. I bet you can guess what I did instead. Yep, I went shopping. Now, in my defence I needed to find a bathing suit for later in the week. When I had gone to D's ahead of the listing, I'd taken my bathing suit with me. Since I'm planning to spend July and August with her and Eli, I knew I'd need it for pool and beach time. Well, I was talking to my friend S on the weekend; she was travelling to Saskatchewan on Monday to visit family. We made tentative plans to meet at the hot springs at Manitou Beach later in the week. And then, I realized I had no bathing suit, or at least not a complete suit. I wear two pieces and do have a spare skort. 

I'm finding that trying to live in two places may require duplicates of some things. I'd thought I'd managed to divide my clothing between the two, but it seems some duplicates are going to be needed. That includes some toiletries as well, since I forgot to bring my toothbrush and deoderant when I returned to the city. The former I had extras of and I've raided my travel sized items for the latter. But I did pick up deoderant since the travel versions won't last very long. Question: has deoderant skyrocketed in price where you are? The least expensive version at Walmart(!) was $5.97 on sale - it is the larger size but really?

I chatted with S on Tuesday evening, and we made arrangements to meet at the hot springs Wednesday afternoon. That night I went to bed with a long list of items that I needed to do before I left the city. I'm not certain why, but I feel the need to ensure that everything is tidied and put away before I leave, even for one night. 

Realtor Rob sent me a text asking if we could chat on Wednesday morning. "Oh, oh", I thought - something has come up. In actuality, Rob had received the form to lift the conditions, however the seller's realtor had delivered the deposit cheque one day late and as a result there was another form that needed to be reviewed and signed as well. They have asked, and I agreed, to have the sewer line clean before possession date. D has contacted the local plumber and it will be completed next week. Can I just say how much relief I feel at knowing that in two weeks, I'll be finished with the property? 

Around lunchtime, I drove out to Manitou Beach Resort and Mineral Spa. It was a windy day, and the radio kept announcing the possibility of severe thunderstorms with conditions that might result in tornados - though nothing of the sort came to be in the area. I arrived ahead of check-in time, but they had a room ready so I was able to watch the end of the Blue Jays game and read some of my book before S arrived. She dropped her gear, we got into our bathing suits and headed for the pool. 

I've stolen this photo from the internet as I didn't take my phone. There are three areas to the pool. The one in the foreground is the hot pool, with a temperature of 103F, in the background on the right is the warm pool, temperature 100F, and on the left is the cool pool, temperature of 93F. I'm not sure how they manage the temperatures but there was certainly a noticeable difference between the three areas.

The water is pumped in from Little Manitou Lake, known as the "Dead Sea of Canada". According to an article I found, the waters are high in sodium, magnesium, and potassium salts. I can confirm that one floats very easily in the water, and a shower post soak is necessary to wash off the salt! We spent about and hour and a half in the pool, before heading upstairs to clean up for dinner.  We climbed back into our bathing suits and went for another soak later in the evening. 

According to locals and other visitors, the waters are beneficial for joint paint, arthritus, and skin conditions. I did feel very relaxed after our visits, and if nothing else, we both slept very well that night. After a leisurely breakfast, we headed back to the pool for another good soak. Then it was time to pack and head in opposite directions. We had a wonderful visit, catching up on family matters, travels - past and future, and recalling memories. We realized the last time we'd seen one another in person was our trip to Las Vegas in October, 2019. We won't let that much time pass before our next visit.

I drove home under cloudy skies, and ran into rain off and on, occasionally quite heavy. It was raining as I reached the city, but it had quit by the time I arrived at the house. Saku was happy to see me, and I simply dropped my bag and settled in on the couch. The sun came out by evening.

There was no yardwork completed on Friday. Again, with the rain, the back yard is far too wet. Instead, I caught up on some housework, knitted while watching old episodes of NCIS. So far, I've completed three kitchen towels and four dishcloths - decided to take a break from knitting and picked up a crocheting project. Not sure I like it, so I won't bore you with details at this point. There was baseball and football in the evening to watch as well.

Today, I'm planning to weed the front round flowerbed. Two of the bugleweed perennial ground cover plants are doing well and flowering, while the two darker ones seem to be stuck. The weeds are coming back though nowhere as many as were there before I weeded last. I'll try to keep ahead of them while I'm here. Speaking of weeds, this is a photo of one of my pots of pansies that D sent me. I asked he
r if she had noticed the weed in front, she had not. :) 

The peonies haven't yet bloomed, but the poppies are about to, and my garden spot is full of small weeds. My work will be cut out for me when I return at the beginning of July. 

I've no other plans for the weekend, though expect I'll entertain myself with baseball and football, and maybe even the final of the Stanley Cup series. I'm not expecting the Edmonton Oilers to win the next game, and they are currently down 3-0 in series, a best of 7 games.

Have a great week ahead everyone!


  1. The minerl spa sounds just heavenly! Pretty pansies even with a weed! Good news on the sale of the old house.:)

    1. Thanks Connie. My friend enjoys the spa and goes as often as she can. I suspect I'll be making a few more trips too. It really is nice to just relax and enjoye the waters.

  2. We've been lucky here, our weather has been the same, though the heat showed up for the weekend.
    I imagine a great was lifted when the house sold; nice that it happened so quickly.

    1. It was a huge relief, and I'll be even happier when the 28th comes and goes.
      More rain here today and cooler still. I just want summer to arrive!

  3. The spa sounds divine. It is now about to get really HOT here this week. Not looking forward to that. I would enjoy the cool days. Your poppies and peonies about 6 weeks or more behind us her in mid U.S. Ours are all done. Weeds never stop do they?

    1. The spa was lovely, and we only used the pool facility. There are other services too, but I suspect, like the restaurant those services are quite pricey. I'll go back, and stick with the room and the pool.

  4. First, CONGRATULATIONS on the sale of the house! Yippee!

    That thing was a gumball/jellybean doohickie? I never would have figured that out!

    Oh the spa looked AMAZING! I sometimes toss magnesium flakes into my bath, when I really hurt, and soak for a while. It helps. So I would think the mineral water would help, especially if you're in it regularly. (My Naturopathic Doctor recommended the magnesium flakes, though they're pricey.)

    Your pansies look lovely! A lot of the peonies here are past their peak, but some not, just depends on what little micro climate they're in. The poppies are done, though, at least those I've seen. Roses are flourishing at the moment, though!

    Have a terrific weekend and week ahead!

    1. Thanks Kim,
      Being in the waters was really relaxing and I'll definitely go back again some day. Sharing the cost of the hotel with my friend made it a reasonable get-away.
      I do love pansies, especially in the spring. A few were blooming before I left, but the pot has really filled up. D sent me photos of the poppies, as they have opened (spoiler - I'm posting a photo for Wednesday). I expect they'll be done before I return, but the peonies are still slowly reaching a point of opening. Hopefully, I'll see them in person.
      You have a good week too!

  5. Yay for the sale! Happy for you!

    Poor Edmonton! I don’t hold out hope for them to win this next game!

    1. Thanks Marie!
      Well, that a surprise to me when the Oilers won 8-1. I didn't watch, couldn't bear to see them lose, and now I'm thinking maybe I better not watch the next game either. :)

  6. I'm also happy for you, looking after two homes can't be easy. Pansies are always such a happy looking flower.

    1. Thanks Patsy! I do love my pansies, they are so reliable and colorful.

  7. Congratulations on selling the house. I am sure it’s a great relief to have that taken care of.

    1. Thanks David. It's a relief not only financially, but also mentally.

  8. Yes, on the sale of the house. What a relief for you. It has been raining a great deal here, or the wind has been strong enough to break branches and uproot trees.... Mind you a couple of those trees were half dead to begin with. We did have one nice evening, and I got to spend it sitting and enjoying a fire.

    God bless.

    1. I sure hope that summer arrives soon. We don't have a fire pit in the city, but D has one and I expect we'll use it lots over the summer.


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