Saturday 22 June 2024

Who will stop the rain?

Time is getting away from me and the end of June is closing in. Of course, the weather isn't cooperating (still) and I'm not getting into the yard to do the work I want to complete before I head out of the city at the end of the month. We've had more rain and cool temperatures. The weather forecasts keep called for warmer weather a few days ahead and then...the forecast changes and we're getting more rain. I ought not to complain because I know there are areas in both Canada and the United States that are suffering from the heat. 

In any event, I've been spending more time indoors, knitting, doing housework, and watching sports. I've completed two kitchen towels, seven dishcloths and have nearly completed a baby sweater. This is from the yarn I purchased at V.V. a couple of weeks ago. I still have more to work through. The crochet project I started was frogged as I did not like it, so I went back to knitting.

On Monday, I had an appointment to meet with the lawyer in the morning to sign off on the paperwork for the old house. Check one more item off the to-do list. I picked up groceries on my way home, almost all sale items so the old pocketbook took a smaller hit than it might have. I spent the afternoon on the phone - first calling the utility companies to advise of the change in ownership effective June 28. For one I left a message, the second I was able to speak to someone on the phone and it was dealt with efficiently. However, the third was a bit annoying. I wasn't able to get through on the phone so used the "chat" feature. It's a feature alright. I provided my information and what I was trying to do. Well, the person on the other end of the chat couldn't seem to understand that we had already moved (and set up service at the new house). I simply wanted to know who should do the final meter read and when at the old house. After some back and forth, we finally got on the same page and I got the necessary instructions. But not before she requested the new owner's name and telephone number. I finally referred her to the buyer's agent.

I also made a few calls for my son. The fence in the backyard has been leaning for some time. With the high winds we've experienced, the back fence was leaning even further into the alley. He went back to see if he could prop it up; he could not, so he gave it a push towards the back yard and it went right over, it was so rotten. Again, I met with mixed success - I sent one e-mail and left two messages. Only one got back to me that day and we arranged to meet on Tuesday to go over the scope of the work.

My brother was in the city on Tuesday morning and dropped by for tea and to drop off a big bag of fresh rhubarb from their garden. Not long after he left, the fence guy called to say he was on his way. We walked around the yard as I showed the work that needed to be done. The old fence runs across the back of the garage and needs to be removed. Eventually, C would like to add a garage door to the back of the building to allow for alley access. We'll also add a fence on the west side of the house - currently, there is a short chicken wire fence. Those neighbours (renters) have dogs and we'd like to put something a little sturdier to ensure they stay in their own yard. There is a metal gate to be removed mid-way up the driveway, and a gate to be repaired between the patio and the back yard. 

The quote was received on Wednesday morning, and C and I decided it was a bit high so I made a couple more attempts to find a contractor. I did let the fellow know that we were expecting another quote or two and received a text back saying "I could possibly work down the price a little for you on my end..." Hmmm, does that mean he overpriced the quote hoping I'd not look any further? 

It was raining heavily all morning so I ought to have stayed home and done housework. But, instead I dropped off a donation at V.V. My friend S had given me a box of yarn from her mother's stash last week. I'd sorted it on the weekend and had a large bag of yarn I know I would never use. S's mom passed away in 2021 and S has been holding onto this yarn since then so she was glad to be rid of it. I asked how I could say thank you and she suggested I make mittens for her 5 grandchildren. I made sure to keep the yarn I can use for that project. 

Anyway back to V.V., I found four lovely plates made in Portugal for just over $5. D has limited dishware and most of it plastic. These are a pretty teal colour, one of her favorites, so I know she'll appreciate the addition. I will too, because I dislike eating off plastic! 

We finally had a nice day on Thursday, though we'd had another soaking rain overnight. It was a quiet day spent knitting. I had thought I might be able to get outside on Friday morning, but awoke again to more puddles. Another fencing contractor stopped by to quote on the work. He seemed confused by the scope of the work, and based on his comments, I don't think he really wants the job. I've still not heard back from three other contractors - I understand they are very busy but a courtesy call would have been nice.

The morning had warmed up before the contractor arrived, so I had spent some time cleaning my car of debris, vacuuming and wiping down the dash and console, as well as the doors. The mats needed cleaning too, so I pulled them out and planned to use the little green machine on them once they were vacuumed. That didn't get done so it's a task for today. Assuming it doesn't rain, that is.

The contractor showed up, and once he left, I went to the front yard to do some weeding in the round bed. The weeds are certainly loving all this rain. The ground is saturated, making it a muddy mess to dig in, but the weeds are definitely easier to remove. I went around back and cleaned up the pile of yard waste in the back yard and filled up the green bin. 

We've had more rain overnight, so yard work will be out of the question, at least for the morning. The sun is shining at the moment, and the radar seems to suggest the rain and thunderstorms will miss us. I've got a few errands to run, then it will be home to watch baseball and football, knit, and maybe, just maybe, spend some time in the back yard. I leave for town next weekend and plan to be there for two months. I'll leave instructions with C to at least spray back there on occasion.

I'll leave you with a photo D sent me of the peonies out front. I'm hoping I'll see some blooming when I return.

Have a great week ahead everyone!


  1. Raining here about every other day, we have 7 plus inches this week. Those peonies are going to be beautiful! The back yard projects at your sons seem like big projects!

    1. I think we've had similar amounts of rain here too. Good for the farmers, but it sure cuts down on the outside work here in the city. I'm so hoping that the peonies will last until I get there next weekend.
      I had high hopes of finishing the back yard this year, but suspect it's going to take another year. It will be worth all the effort in the long run.

  2. I sure would be glad to send you dry and hot weather.
    Your peonies and poppies are a good 6 - 8 weeks behind ours. I love peonies - oh the smell!

    1. I'd gladly take a small amount of your weather, and it looks like we're getting some this week.
      It's funny, I'm seeing peonies in bloom all over the city, but the ones in town are sure taking their time. Perhaps they're waiting for my return.

  3. Hot hot hot here. We ran out to the Farmer's Market for fruits and veggies and fresh baked bread, then it was home in the AC again.

    1. I hear you, when it's hot I tend to hibernate indoors as much as possible too. We're expecting a hot, dry summer (though the long range forecast may be wrong), and I'm glad that we put the a/c into the new house. My son's house already had it installed and I know I'll appreciate it - he never seems to be bothered by the heat or the cold.

  4. It is hard to get outside work done when it rains so much. It sounds like you are having the rain we usually have. Not so this year!

    1. It's definitely been a weird weather pattern across the country. I'm hopeful this week will be less wet and I'll be able to accomplish a bit more before I head to town.

  5. Those Peonies are going to be spectacular when they bloom!

    1. I agree and am hopeful they'll be blooming when I get there. In the meantime, my daughter has been good for sending me photos.

  6. Today started off very cloudy and foggy but now the sun is out. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny as well, so I will try and get out to weed. The mosquitos are terrible though.

    Lots of peony buds on those bushes. I do hope the other contractors contact you very soon.

    God bless.

    1. I was bitten a couple of times yesterday, but don't think it was mosquitos. That's one bug that doesn't generally bother me - apparently other people taste better than I do.
      I've decided to call the contractor who did the work at the old house (interior), and ask for a recommendation from him. If we can't get it done this year, we'll look ahead to next years instead.

  7. Ditto, those peonies are going to be gorgeous. Mom always brought some into her house in Halifax (when married to her second husband), soaking them first to get rid of the ants. I'll expect a peony pic in your next update. 😁

    We are soggy here, we've had rain, rain, and more rain this weekend. My weeds love it. Lol.

    Good luck sorting out the contactors, I hope you hear back and are able to get the estimates. 🙏

    1. I remember Mom had a glass bowl that she put the peony bloom in. While I don't remember her soaking them, maybe the ants weren't able to climb out the bowl? :p
      After the heat you've gotten, the moisture is sure to bring on the darned mosquitos!

  8. We're getting rain almost every day, sometimes lately through the night which is good. Although today is a complete soaker.

    1. We had a lovely day today, sunny and warm. More rain is in the forecast for later this week. I'd prefer if it rained overnight.


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