Saturday 8 June 2024

Selling, shopping, and a conditional offer!

Yahoo, the old house was finally listed! The realtor arrived about lunch time on Sunday, and we did a walk through, ran through the numbers, settled on a price, and I signed the paperwork. By mid-afternoon Monday, the house was on the Zillow and Realtor websites. I'm not keen on the write-up the realtor provided, but I decided to withhold judgement for now. 

After lunch at home, D and Eli headed over to the local park while I watched the Blue Jays game. I followed them when the game ended. Eli had a great time running around the park with friends, and then climbing the tree near his mom and me.

I got away about 8:30 Monday morning, heading back to the city. I had decided that there would be no yard work done - I was ready for a relaxing (and quiet) afternoon.  I did run out to pick up a few groceries, and prepped rice and marinated chicken for fried rice for dinner. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing, watching television, and catching up on blog reading.

We had a decent rain overnight here in the city, but nowhere near what my daughter had in town. We had less than a half inch of rain, she had close to 2 inches! She'll be happy as she won't need to water for a few days. The backyard here was a bit of a quagmire, so I immediately gave up my plans to work outside and did what I do best. I went shopping! It was senior's day at Value Village, and I do like a bargain. My best buy was finding four large balls of Bernat Handicrafter cotton yarn; these are currently sold for $12.77 each at Walmart (before taxes). I paid $8.75 for the four balls. 

The sky was threatening rain by lunchtime. I decided a good way to spend the afternoon was hanging on the couch with Saku, the cat, and knitting. I'd done laundry first thing in the morning, and though the floors could use a good scrub, I decided they could wait another day. The rain fell off and on throughout the afternoon, and we had a short thunderstorm in the evening. My son and I both remarked that watching the storm from the front windows is not nearly as good as watching from the sunroom at the old house.

Wednesday I woke to a sunny sky, but that didn't last long. By 8:30 a.m., it was overcast and the wind was a'blowin. A wind warning alert came through from the Weather Network. Wind gusts of up to 90 km/h (56 mph) were expected throughout the day. It was definitely not a day for working in the yard. I couldn't put off housework any longer. I washed and dried my bedding, vacuumed and washed floors, and cleared the kitchen table and my end table. Both tend to become dumping grounds (or doom piles as my daughter would say).

We lost a few branches in the wind, these are hanging on but will need to be removed. The neighbour, two doors down, wasn't so lucky. He lost a Lombardy poplar. It certainly made me happy that I had the four in the backyard removed in April.

The morning got very exciting when the realtor called to say we'd received an offer. To add to the excitement, he explained that he had also been communicating with a potential buyer from British Columbia who was prepared to make a cash offer, however would not be able to view the property until this weekend. The local offer was slightly lower, so using the potential buyer as a guide, we countered at the higher price. By 3 p.m. the counter had been accepted. The sale is conditional on a house and sewer inspection and conditions must be lifted by June 15. Possession date is June 28. I had said to D that morning, that I wanted to have the house sold by the end of June, so I could enjoy the summer. It seems I may have gotten my wish. 

The wind was up again on Thursday, again putting the kibosh on spraying. My mind turned to indoor projects, so I ran out to pick up some dry-wall spackle and a putty knife so I can fill holes and cracks. I've had a conversation with my son and decided on a potential color but won't make a final decision before I bring home some paint swatch cards for him to choose from. He's on the same page as I am, something lighter than the current colors, and no beiges, yellows or pinks. I'll like start the patching this weekend, and hopefully the wind dies down and I can get outdoors too.

Friday, I decided to visit a few garage sales that I'd found on our local FB site. Despite having posted they would be open by 10 a.m., I only found one open for business. They had jigsaw puzzles - I got five for $20. That should keep me busy during the cold months this winter. (I don't do puzzles as quickly as Patsy does!) The neighbourhood sign indicated it was community garage sale weekend, so I drove around until I found one more, where I found a hoop for stitching, just a $1. At this point, it was nearly noon, so I headed home for lunch.

I did some knitting and then went out to tackle the back yard. Everytime I work out there I'm reminded how big the project will be. To start with, I moved rocks, I think about 8 wheelbarrows of them, to the front yard. Note: I do not fill the wheelbarrow - it would be far too heavy for me. Some will go into the circular bed with rocks, and the rest will go in the bed under the front window. There are still a few loads to be brought out but I'd had enough so turned to the driveway where weeds have grown up through the contraction joints. I dug these out as best I could and used Weedex to hopefully knock down the rest. Then I turned to the area between the driveway and neighbour's yard. Sigh....this is going to take some time as no one has bothered with this area for some time. There are leaves and debris that has blown in and grass, thistle and dandelines have made their home there. I filled the garbage can three times and added these to the compost bin and only finished about 3 feet. We only have pick-up every two weeks, so I'll have to bag and store the yard waste and have my son get rid of it over the summer.

Today, I'll head back out again to move rocks and work on the weeds. I may try finding a few more garage sales too, and perhaps take a walk in the park. It's not supposed to be very warm here, just 16C (60F) but it is sunny and isn't as windy as it has been. 

Have a great week ahead everyone!


  1. Here's hoping the sale goes through quickly. It's always a headache so it's nice to have it happening when you want it.

    1. Thanks Bob. I feel pretty confident things will go well.

  2. Great news - hope it all goes through. Glad you got some rest - but you still kept busy. Seems yardwork is never done - always something to pull, cut or move.

    1. The years of obvious neglect in this yard is evident. I don't blame the previous owners, she had serious health issues and I got the impression he preferred writing and reading to outside work. They had someone who was supposed to do the yardwork but I suspect he did little more than mowing.

  3. Hope your house sells quickly and smoothly!

  4. Fantastic news about the house. Fingers crossed it all goes well and closes quickly.

  5. Ooh, this is great news about the house! I hope the sale goes through, no glitches. 🤞 I'll look for a "sold" post next!!!!

    Have a great week and pace yourself with all the work. Lol.

    1. Thanks Kim. I did get a fair amount of weeding done yesterday but I'll be back out there today.

  6. Wow, that was very quick. Hope all goes well. When Kris bought his house the yard was full of thistle. It is slowly getting better but there are still a few that are very persistent.
    I need to contact him and see how he managed through all the wind over the past week.

    God bless.

    1. We priced it very competitively and I think that made a difference. Still it was much quicker than I expected too.

  7. Wow, fast and exciting! Hope it all works out.

  8. Good news on the house. You’ll be happy to have it all behind you. Fingers crossed that the inspections don’t turn up anything unexpected.

    1. Thanks David. I don't expect anything we don't already know about will show up. The house is almost 115 years old, and has it's quirks. But it isn't any more or less than similar properties in the town. As it is a local buyer, I'm sure they are aware.

  9. Good news about the sale of the old house! Hope it all works out! Gardening clean up is such hard work, be kind to yourself!


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