Friday 11 October 2024

I'm back!

Home again, home again, jiggity jig.

This is, based on a Google search, a portion of a children's song: To Market, To Market. My Dad used to say it to us when we were headed home after a Saturday afternoon in town. Another favorite was, Home James and don't spare the horses. Funny how such simple memories are retained.

Again, I am reminded how much I dislike travel days. Getting to Seattle was a relatively simple process, no delays BUT the airport is a mess. More on that later. Getting home however took several hours longer than anticipated due toflight delays. If only I lived closer to a port city, but that isn't happening. I can't be too irritated though, especially watching what has happened the southeastern States with the devestating tornadoes and hurricanes. The house was still standing when I got home, the kitchen was tidy, and the furnace kicked in when it went below freezing. 

This is just a quick check-in. I've unpacked this morning, had a lovely long chat with my brother, and will head out shortly to pick up some groceries. There's nary a vegetable (other than frozen) in the house, nor any real leftovers in the fridge to nibble from this morning. You can bet I'm missing the Marketplace Buffet. No one brought me my tea either. :p

Meanwhile, I'll share a couple of photos, one taken the last night of the cruise, about midnight. The second one I borrowed from my brother of last night's Aurora Borealis. I went straight to bed upon arriving home, and he has less light pollution at the farm.

BTW, the earlier photos were of Seattle (Connie noted this one), sunrise in Victoria, British Columbia, a view of the city of San Fransisco from the Golden Gate Bridge, the marine fog as we pulled into port in Los Angeles, and a sleeping snow leopard at the San Diego zoo. As you can imagine, I've many more photos to share. :)

I likely won't post tomorrow - have a good weekend everyone!


  1. Sounds like a great trip. I can't wait to hear about it. Great photos.

  2. Welcome back! Lovely photos, I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures.

  3. Yes, travel days can be challenging, but it sounds like you enjoyed the vacation. Now it’s back to normal!

  4. The Aurora was spectacular here too. I look forward to your photos!

  5. Welcome home! I'm sure you are tired but how nice to come back to a warm home. You couldn't bring a waiter home to bring you your tea? haha


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