Friday, I had the duct cleaning company to the house at 8 a.m. only to learn that there was no easy access to the duct work. I was told to have an access cut into the drywall just outside the furnace room and call them back at a later date. Luckily there was no charge for the call-out.
I had arranged to meet my daughter after the duct cleaning but it was far too early. So I read the news, had a couple of cups of coffee, and relaxed before heading out. I got new glasses a couple of weeks ago and one of the nose pads had been irritating my nose; on my way I dropped by the optician's office to have them adjusted.
My daughter's boyfriend's mother (that's a mouthful) had arrived Thursday evening for a brief visit and is staying with them. She was at the house with Eli when I got there, D and J were off at Lowe's buying garden supplies. J was a little disappointed when I told him it's a little too early to garden here in Saskatchewan. We generally have to wait until the long May weekend to ensure there is no killing frost. Thankfully, they bought seeds not plants so he can prepare the garden plot in the meantime.
We left Eli with his Grandma D and his dad and went shopping. My daughter had received a gift card from my brother and his family for Christmas. We hit Ricki's and she spent her money. Later we went to lunch, to my house to pick up a few items, and then onto a couple of other stores, before heading back to J's house.
I left and headed downtown to pick up my son from work, home to feed the cats, and then off to dinner with friends. By 8:30 I was tucked up in was tiring day and I knew Saturday would be busy.
Saturday morning, I was up early doing some housework, before dressing for church.
Eli was baptized on Saturday morning at the Holy Rosary Cathedral. He was an absolute doll, not fussing at all, though D did say she "practiced" with him in the bath at home.
J and his family were raised Catholic, so having Eli baptized in the Catholic church was very important to Grandma D. She provided the christening gown (which was made from her wedding dress) that her youngest children, including J had worn at his baptism. She also had a bib made for him to keep. The gown will be used again, as her daughter is having her youngest daughter baptized in the next few months, and another son and his girlfriend are expecting a baby in November.
J and his family were raised Catholic, so having Eli baptized in the Catholic church was very important to Grandma D. She provided the christening gown (which was made from her wedding dress) that her youngest children, including J had worn at his baptism. She also had a bib made for him to keep. The gown will be used again, as her daughter is having her youngest daughter baptized in the next few months, and another son and his girlfriend are expecting a baby in November.
Grandma D stood in for Eli's godfather (one of J's brothers). His godmother M is a co-worker of D's. She is so good with Eli. She kept him calm, even though the water was much colder than expected.
There were two other little boys baptized yesterday morning. Both were older than Eli, but he looked as big as one of them, and only a little smaller than the other. What struck me was the multicultural aspect. One of the families spoke Spanish, the second was from the Philippines, while D and J are several generations Canadian.
After the service, I took everyone out for lunch to Ricky's. It serves all day breakfast as well as a regular menu and I thought we'd be there by 10:30 or 11. However the baptism service went long and by the time we arrived at the restaurant it was almost noon! No matter, as we had a great lunch and good conversation.
I took Grandma D, D and Eli to do a little shopping before dropping them back off at the car. Off to home to change and then back out again to the grocery store. By the time I arrived home around 3:30 I was ready to sit down. But first the groceries had to be put away. I stumbled as I was coming into the house and tripped on the stair...I have a lovely bruise on the my thigh as a result.
The rest of the evening was spent watching hockey before I went to bed at 9 p.m. to read.

I think I woke him from a nap because he didn't get irritated with me until I'd taken the photo. He doesn't look very impressed, and when I went to remove the beanie and the blanket he bit my hand (not breaking the skin). I guess he let me know how he really felt!
I took it easy for most of the day, doing a little housework (as little as I could get away with), some laundry, and a bit of reading while watching the hockey playoffs. There is no curling so I have to watch something on ice.... :)
It will be another early evening, as morning will come early...Saku or no Saku.
That pretty much wraps up the weekend. This upcoming week will be busy as we have two days of meetings planned that will take me away from my desk.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Another busy long weekend at your end!
ReplyDeleteIt's terrific that Eli's baptismal gown was made from his other grandmother's wedding dress, and that it's used for family baptisms. That's a tradition to treasure. :-)
All in all, it sounds like it was a very productive and fulfilling few days!
Good luck with the access to the vents for cleaning, btw. I suppose that's one good thing about an unfinished basement (mine), easy access to all the duct work.
Take care!
Wow, that was a busy weekend. I'm glad the baptism went well. You'd think they'd have warmed the water. It was probably a shock to the babies, especially if he had had practice in a bath. I think baptism is a good idea, and especially one with such a gift as the gown Eli wore. That'll be a family treasure.
ReplyDeleteAs for the duct-cleaning, they really need you to deface your house for that? Even if that's the case, why couldn't they have done it? You'd think they'd run into that once in a while. Well, maybe I just expect service from service companies.
After a weekend like that, though, work may be a bit relaxing in comparison.