He wasn't permitted food after 10 p.m. the night prior which, of course, meant neither Saku nor Sasha were allowed food either. I fed them all a second small supper just around 9 p.m., hoping that would stave off the hunger pangs the following morning. Of course they were all up in my face by 6:30 a.m. I managed to keep them entertained until it was time for Sheldon and I to leave the house at 7:15.
Of course, that was about the time that Sheldon decided to make a dash for it. As it turned out, he's a good boy and was simply using the bathroom before we got in the car. He's a good traveller too, he curled up in the cat carrier and only had a few words to say in the last few blocks before we arrived. He was a little more anxious in the office while I filled out all the paperwork.
Around 10 a.m. I had a call from the vet's office letting me know things went "purrfectly". He'd been neutered, vaccinated, micro-chipped, and had his pedicure completed. The vet told me he was sweet boy and didn't seemed fazed by everything that was happening. Since he was finished so early, I could have picked him up by noon, but had plans for lunch with a friend so he stayed until mid-afternoon.
When I picked him up, the techs were gushing over how good he was. I guess he was busy playing in his cage with the blanket, and when the tech brought him out to me she said, he'd leapt out of the cage and given her a hug. He wasn't upset when he saw me and rode home in the carrier without a peep.
Of course they gave me the instructions that he wasn't to jump or run. Also, I was to watch to see if he drank and ate okay, and to call if I noticed if he was in any discomfort. Well, let's see - upon release from the carrier, he went to the water fountain and had a good drink. He then raised down the basement and back up again, leapt over a hissing Saku, and jumped onto the back of a chair in the sunroom. I reminded him he wasn't to run or jump but he wasn't listening. Next thing I knew he was having a snack at the kibble bowl. Yep, he was doing fine.
Saku has had the hardest time with the return of Sheldon. He hissed and growled, paced back and forth, and it seemed we were back to the place we were when Sheldon first arrived. When I went to bed for the night, Sheldon startled Saku when he came into the room and I thought there was going to be a fight. So I ended up tossing poor Saku out of the room with Sasha and Sheldon spending the night with me. There was some whining in the middle of night but I ignored it as much as possible. (Some of it came from me....kitten's can be a real pain to sleep with...every movement means playtime.)

When we were getting the two accustomed to one another, I found the best way was to feed them together. So this morning I put their bowls down on the mat; it worked somewhat but Saku was still "grumpy cat" whenever Sheldon looked his way.
This behaviour continued for most of today, but I think it's finally over as evidenced by this photo. I've never seen Saku allow any other cat to touch him even when he's sleeping. As I was typing he woke up, looked at Sheldon and turned so his back is to him. No hissing, no fuss. Yay!
On that note, I've off to bed early. I suspect it won't be long before there is a parade of cats joining me. I assume Sasha is in the basement with his boy. He usually hangs out with C until the house is quiet and then shows up just as I'm about to go to sleep. If you read John's recent post of cat visitors in the night....well, that description fits my nightlife as well. (If you haven't, you'll want to, it's hilarious and I think every cat parent will nod in agreement).
I'll be back tomorrow with another post - I had my grandson today and have lots of photos to share. He is so stinking cute! But G'ma is tired - he's a busy boy.
Oh, that tabby tummy! Those spots! OMC, I want to kiss his belly to bits. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm glad his neutering went well and that he didn't have any ill effects from the anesthetic. Those young ones can recover a lot quicker than we older ones. LOL.
I wonder if *part* of Saku's issue was the vet smell still lingering on Sheldon. I know it happens, and actually it did happen once with Nicki and Derry -- Nicki had gone for something, probably his second dental, and it took about 36 hours before Derry would stop hissing at him. I remember being concerned there would be a fight, because hissing at Nicki is just like waving the proverbial red cape at a bull, it only makes him more aggressive.
Anyhow, it's good to see (in your pic) that all is well now!
Sheldon sounds like a dream-cat when it comes to visiting the veterinary. I've no doubt that Kim is right and Saku's problem with Sheldon was the smell of the hospital. My lot aren't the friendliest toward each other, but there are uncharacteristic hisses when one of them resturns from receiving medical attention.
ReplyDeleteBut what a change afterward! Maybe once the hospital smell wore off, Saku realised that there wasn't much to dislike about the young one after all.