The last couple of days have been absolutely lovely with temps well above normal (20-22C). Today (Saturday) we're below normal at only 7C, but with slightly warmer temps forecast for tomorrow. At least there is none of that four letter word yet being talked about. My cousin posted a long range forecast on FB that suggests we're in for a cold, snowy winter. Yuck! Hopefully that doesn't start until at least January.
I may have jinxed that though, as I took my car into the shop on Friday and changed over to winter tires. And, of course, Halloween will be here soon and it is a rare year when we don't have snow or at least cold weather for the little trick or treaters. I picked up a box of miniature chocolate bars last week. So far no one has gotten into I hope they'll last until the 31st. Last year I was on my Halloween cruise to the Caribbean so I'm not sure how many kids to expect. I'll hand it out until I run out and then shut off the lights.
On the home front, as the wind blew Tuesday night, it brought D and Eli with it. She says she is finally finished with J. I won't share what he did, but I have to say, I certainly hope this last escapade is not forgiven. So I have my son, daughter and grandson in my home again.
Fingers crossed, she seems to be resolute this time and the weeping and moping that she exhibited the last time she came here has not been evident. D has been considerate and helpful and seems much more involved with Eli.

Last night his mom dressed him up in his Rider gear. Whether he truly likes watching the movements or it is the noise and colors, he certainly pays close attention.
He was pretty happy too, when they scored a touch down!
He's started army crawling or creeping and can bend over and pull himself back into a sitting position. Still can't do it from a prone position but he's getting close. His favorite foods are sweet potato, creamed corn, arrowroot cookies and banana. His mom has this mesh thingy that the banana goes into - it looks similar to a soother, except with the mesh in place of the soother. He gets that into his mouth and sucks like a mad man. Far less messy than giving him the pieces of banana.
Sheldon, it turns out enjoys cookie too. Often, when Eli drops a piece, Sheldon is right there to gobble up the leftovers. Earlier today, Eli was fussy at nap time and when D went in to check up on him, Sheldon jumped into the crib, curled up beside Eli and the baby settled right down.
I don't have a photo of the two of them together, but Sheldon is very patient with the baby, he allows Eli to pat and pull at him. I suspect that won't last forever, but for now it's so cute to see.
For now, I expect the two of them will live with me until spring but I'm not holding my breathe - J has a way of convincing her that she cannot live without him. I'm hoping she'll realize there is no truth to this, that rather, he finds it difficult to live without her - most of all her financial support and easy access to a vehicle.
Sigh, if I just had a magic wand I could wave. J would be somewhere far, far away with access to little Eli only through Facetime. My daughter would find the strength and resolve to know she can be a single mom and do a great job of it. My son would have a permanent placement at work, and I'd be retired. But I know that only one of those dreams are in my control...the rest I must let go of and simply pray for the best.
Most of all, I'll enjoy every minute I have with little Eli, watching him change and grow.
Have a great rest of the weekend, everyone.
Eli keeps getting cuter and cuter, looking more like a real person if you know what I mean. :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm sending out universal Light to your daughter (and Eli and to you all), for whatever she needs, for her Highest Good. It's hard enough of me to let go of things I can't control (most of life!), so I can imagine it's 10x harder for a mother, watching her daughter struggle. But of course it's D's own path. That said, she has a priority here -- the well being of her son. Anyway, what will be, will be. "People have only one way of being." (A close quote from a Nora Ephron book, "I Feel Bad About My Neck".)
Wishing you all a *good* week to come!
What a neat little fellow Eli looks, though it seems he may be turning into a vegetarian. You'll have to stop that nonsense right now. But at least he has the right appreciation of cats, and they for him. Good for Sheldon. As you say, it may not last, but it's nice now.
ReplyDeleteWe never know how things will turn out or if they will last. Your duaghter and the idiot boyfriend, for instance... You're quite right: he needs her, not the other way around. He doesn't seem to be the right influence for Eli, either. But that little guy has a wonderful grandmother (I initially wrote 'great grandmother', which changed the point of the statement all together...), so his start in life isn't as rocky as it could be. And he's a baby, so he's missing all the crappy stuff anyway.