Wednesday 7 September 2022

It's over - updated

 For those who haven't heard the latest news, Myles Sanderson apparently stabbed himself, before being taken into custody. He has since died of his injuries. 

In these cases, no one wins. The victims and their families will see no justice in this case, and his parents have lost two sons. They had pleaded for him to turn himself in earlier today.


  1. Just saw it on the news. So glad people are safe from this person now!

  2. Saw it on the news, so glad they caught him.

  3. I'm just glad the threat to everyone's safety has been resolved. I'm sure you can all breathe a little easier.

  4. I wonder if we’ll ever know what caused it/ the reasons why? What a horrible thing for that community. -Jenn

  5. A relief, I suppose, but a terrible end to a terrible ordeal. I think of when those boys were children, infants, with a world of promise before them. Now, they are responsible for so much death. You are right: no one wins.

  6. I heard that he had been captured, taken into custody and subsequently died. I actually thought it might have been at the hands of the police, as too often happens. It's a tragedy for everyone concerned. :-(


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