Saturday 29 April 2023

Spring joys

Spring has truly sprung! We've had decent weather, if a little below normal temps, with rain overnight a couple of nights. The snow from last week had mostly disappeared with just a few stubborn spots where the sun didn't reach it, until Friday when our temperature reached 18C (64F). It will be a few weeks before I'll be able to plant anything doors, so for the moment I'm enjoying watching my seedlings grow. As it is still too cool to leave them in the unheated sunroom, I keep them in the kitchen window, until the sun warms up the room and move them back and forth as the temperatures allow. I darn near forgot them one evening, oops!  There are tomatoes, marigolds, a cucumber, and peppers in these pots. I added a couple of the bottoms of green onions this week, as a test to see if they will really grow. 

It's been a busy week, with a few outings. I had to run out to do some errands for my daughter on Monday, so took the opportunity to drop by Value Village while I was nearby. I bought a few items guesed it more yarn! There were four cakes of Loops and Threads cotton yarn in a navy color, for a mere $5.99. The same yarn costs about $10 per cake at the Michaels store. I could not resist picking it up. I'm not entirely certain what I will use it for, but I will, someday.

A few weeks ago, a friend contacted me to ask if I'd like to join the book club she belongs to. I thought it would be good for me, and said yes. The get-together was held on Tuesday evening, at a lovely Mexican restaurant. The food was delicious, though I was less enamoured with the book we read. The Stranger in the Lifeboat, by Mitch Albom was the choice of one of the group. It was a very odd story and I was happy it wasn't a long read. I even read it twice, thinking it might grow on didn't. I would give it a 2/10 at best. Others in the group quite enjoyed it though, so it must have some redeeming qualities. I found the event interesting, it was more about the meal and visiting, with very little discussion of the book, beyond whether we enjoyed it or not. Another book (Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult) was chosen and we'll meet again in about 6 weeks. 

Wednesday was stitch and chat, the first meeting I've attended for a couple of weeks. There were only three of us there, S, R, and myself. Sadly, I's husband isn't doing well; he was hospitalized last week but has since been discharged, however his family flew home to visit so it must have been thought to be quite serious. He was recently diagnosed with recurring cancer and the prognosis is not good. 

I've spent the rest of the week at home, working on various projects and tackling some spring cleaning. It amazes me how much dust accumulates, even when the weather is cold. While I vaccum and dust the furnitured regularly, it's the tops of windows, doors, and picture frames that need a wipe down. The sun room doesn't generally get much of a clean over winter, and it desperately needed a good vaccuming. In that room I found far too many maple bugs. I'm uncertain how they've found their way in - I'll have to check around the outside to see if I can find any access point. The front patio and parking pad were swept and the debris filled a large garbage bag. Lots of pine needles, leaves, and the inevitable rabbit poop. I set up the patio set, and hope to spend some time out there in the next few days.

I also went for a walk on Friday morning, and captured some of the wildlife. It always amazes me the variety that we see here in the midst of the city.

Not as many hares in the park as usual. Bet that won't last too much longer.

Over at the creek, it was pretty quiet though I did spot a pair of robins getting water and feeding on the bank.

At the other end of the creek I found a few mallards and a pair of geese.

Over at the pond, I spotted three red-winged blackbirds. They seemed to be calling to each other. I love how their tail feathers spread when they sing.

Most of the geese were skittish and would head for the water as I walked along the path. This one, however, could have cared less. I do hope it was merely sunning itself and not nesting as it is far too close to the path.

I need to remember to put my camera on sports mode as this photo is blurry. But I like it anyway. There were several (7 or 8) cormorants on the water, and this group flew off as I went to take the photos. I've never seen a group this large at the pond. While there seem to be a pair who nest here most years, I suspect they are in transit.

Finally another group of mallards. They seemed to be following one another around the pond, with some calling back and forth.

Today is another beautiful day, already 7C (45F) mid-morning. There is a baseball game later this morning, and then I plan to head back outside. The decks need to be cleared of debris and washed down - lots of bird poop has accumulated, and the plastic Adirondack chairs and the tables need to be washed as well. The forecast is for temperatures over 20C (68F), which means time on the deck or patio reading! The book for the book club is in at the library so that will be top on the list.

Have a great week ahead everyone!


  1. I just love all the wildlife pictures. Glad you are getting warmer. Your seedlings look great!
    Sounds like a nice week. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Cheryl! It was a balmy 13C (55F) today - I spent time outdoors and it was wonderful.

  2. I love all the wildlife pics too, and am glad that Spring finally has arrived in your neck of the woods. Have a terrific weekend enjoying the warmth!

    1. Thanks Kim, hope the rain in Ontario misses you.

  3. It looks like the wildlife, too, knows that spring has at last come. It's good to see them out and enjoying the world. I think spring is here, as well, and permanently. As for book clubs, I don't think I've come across too many that are actually discussions about books...

    1. It is good to see the wildlife and to feel the sunshine.
      I didn't know that about book clubs and came prepared to ask questions and make comments. I now know better. :)

  4. I usually like Mitch Albom books, The Five People You Meet in Heaven was an awesome book. My husband even likes his books and that is really saying something as he rarely reads. I am sure you will like the Jodi book , I have not read anything by her but she is a favorite of many people. I like book club as it makes me read something different.
    A yarn purchase...imagine that! I can never resist either:) Enjoy your warmth...we may get warmer this coming week:)

    1. I think I've only read one other Mitch Albom book, "Tuesdays with Morrie" and enjoyed it. This was just off-putting from the first chapter for me.
      I've stared reading Mad Honey, and it isn't what I expected either but so far I'm quite enjoying it.
      Sure hope the warmer weather reaches you soon too.

  5. Happy Spring! The photos are lovely

  6. So much to be done once spring arrives!

    1. Except for the extra housework, I quite enjoy the tasks outdoors. It's so wonderful to be able to open the window for fresh air.

  7. I can understand not passing up that bargain on yarn!

    What a great area for a walk with so much wildlife around. Beautiful area!

    1. Thanks Marie. The path I walk starts about a block from my home and it takes me 40 minutes or so, if I don't stop to take photos. There are other areas I should visit more often but they require a drive, and so far I don't get bored with my nearby parks, creek and pond.

  8. Your blog is a great find. I would like to follow more Canadian logs but they're hard to find. Most of the blogs are from other countries. I was born and raised in Sask and left when I was 23.

    1. Welcome Red! I follow a few fellow Canadians and will add your blog to my reading list.

  9. It's great to see so many birds returning to Saskatchewan to inititate their breeding season. It is happening here in southern Ontario too, but our weather has been decidedly unkind of late! Great blog. I am glad to have found you.

    1. Thanks David, glad you are enjoying reading the blog.

  10. Sounds like a good week. I found you through Cheryl's Frugal Corner. Hope this week brings blessings and energy to do what you choose.

  11. You have a good week. I did too. Starting well this week too. You know I belonged t a book club for a year some time ago. There were only two books chosen that I could bear going through. One was Watershed Down. This was back in the day. Loved it then, still do.

    1. I'll pretty much read anything, though I occasionally will give up on a book I don't enjoy.

  12. I need to get out a bit more now that the weather is turning. We have had jackrabbits racing down our road every morning lately. Some are just huge!!! Great deal on the yarn.

    God bless.

    1. I've been out once since then and I definitely need to walk more. This week's weather is going to be very nice!


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