Tuesday 1 November 2022

Halloween hangover?


The neighbour on the corner went all out this year with their decorations. I was in the car on my way to run an errand and had to stop and take a photo. Good thing I live in a quiet neighbourhood - no traffic.

It was a quiet night, I only had 19 kids to the house though it seemed like there were more running up and down the street. I've got nearly half of the candy and chips I bought leftover. All the Smarties will get put away for doling out to my grandson. I suspect C and I will make our way through the rest over the next month or so. 


  1. Looks like ghoulish good time!!!!!

  2. Goodness, they were ambitious! I'll bet the kids loved it!

  3. I was ready with my bowl of candy and not one trick or treater this year.

  4. Skeletons were really big this year. They are the first I've noticed that dressed them. Lot of thought and work went into that yard.

  5. We had the usual crew. A busy night. No treat left over. Yay! You neighbour did go all out!

  6. Where does the neighbour keep all the skeletons the rest of the year? Dare I say it - in a closet?


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