I was out on Friday, but not for our regular dinner. Unfortunately my son C was in a car accident on his way home from work. I got a call from him, shortly after it happened, and because he wasn't certain where he was due to the pain he was in, I suggested he take the ambulance to the hospital and I would meet him there.
I did find the aftermath of the accident on my way and spoke to an officer at the scene. He indicated C wasn't seriously injured, but had "his bell rung" when he hit is head. I headed over to the hospital and met him as he was being moved from the triage area to the waiting room. Then we sat and waited; very little was said as he had a headache and wasn't feeling up to it. We waited nearly 2 1/2 hours for him to be seen. Meanwhile, a woman came in with a nose bleed and she was taken in shortly before he was, which made sense to me. What frustrated me were the people with colds/coughs/possible flu who were seen earlier than he was - all of those could have been dealt with at a walk-in clinic. The doctor ran him through the concussion protocol and sent him home. He was a bit bruised and sore but is feeling okay now.
Today we'll head over to the compound so he can gather up the tools he has in the car. He's talked to the adjuster, and the claim is started, but I suspect he won't hear the results for a day or two. However, since his current vehicle is a 2005 Chev product we both suspect it will be written off. He spent some time on the weekend researching used vehicles for sale and has determined he would like to test drive a couple. Since today's temps are so cold he agreed to hold off until tomorrow after he's done work. He has a short day scheduled and I'll drive him to and from work. I'm always up early on the morning anyway so it's no big deal to me. Sadly we'd been talking about him replacing the car this spring, but now it is a must.
So, while I'm feeling a bit of being stuck indoors today and tomorrow will definitely take care of it. Even if I'm only in and out of the car for brief periods of time! At home, I've continued the de-cluttering, mostly in the craft/sewing room. I had it set up a couple of years ago before Eli came along, then gave it up for the nursery and now it's back and actually getting used! I finally got around to sewing the lining for the crocheted bag I made, and finished it up with some hand-stitching to tack into place in the bag. I also went through my yarn stash, ridding myself of yarn I can't/won't use, sorting small balls of yarn that I will use in one bin, and putting the rest of the unopened/unused yarn in another. There is stuff there I'd forgotten I'd purchased. Oops!
Yesterday I tackled my sewing materials. I now have one bin of fabric and patterns, and one of sewing supplies; needles, thread, elastic, buttons, bobbins, binding, etc. I found I had three pin cushions, two of which are brand new. No idea where they came from. I also have enough sewing needles to outfit a small army unit. Again, why? I've set these aside and was thinking I might put together sewing kits for my adult children. However, I suspect neither of them would ever use them, even to sew on a button, these items will likely end up as a donation.
Last of all the craft items to go through is my scrap-booking bin. Years, and years, and years ago I dabbled in it. My favorite scrapbook of all, was one I made for my Dad when he went into the nursing home. The pages told his story, from a young child to adulthood, containing photos and mementos. When he passed away, I brought it home and it is currently packed away. I also had scrap-booked my first out-of-country vacation, and started one for the cats. And that's were it ended. I'll likely keep the items that might end up in the cat scrapbook, but the rest will be donated or given to my daughter. She's continued with her activities and is more likely to use this stuff than I am.
Speaking of getting out of the house, it's nearly time to head over to the claims center.
I'll leave you with this photo my daughter sent of Eli having his lunch today. He's wearing one of the t-shirts I brought back from my latest cruise. AND, of course he's bare-footed. This kid hates socks!
Have a great day everyone! Hope you are staying warm and dry wherever you are.
Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry your son was in an accident! And sorry too that he had to wait so long at ER. I'm actually surprised they didn't take him sooner, as an accident victim. :-(
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I hope he is concussion-free,and wish him good luck with car-hunting and the claim too. BTW, if he hasn't already gone to his family doctor, I recommend he do so ASAP, just in case something crops up down the road. It's a good thing to do, both medically and legally, IMO.
As for your decluttering...you're inspiring me! I have more stuff to get rid of, and thank goodness I haven't been thrift store shopping in 2 months. LOL.
I am glad your son wasn't injured badly - accidents are such pains to deal with from start to finish. I just finally closed my claim from my accident in early October - and I only had some back issues which the chiro seems to have sorted thankfully. There is warm weather coming! Our snow is still melting but it is consistently several degrees above zero now so hoping no more snow this year!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about your son's accident but glad it wasn't more serious. Like Kea said, it wouldn't hurt to have a follow up check. Sometimes, thinks show up later. Hope the insurance is kind to him. He might have been ready for a new car but now his trade in is trash. Wish him all the best.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear your son is okay after that accident. I am ready for winter to be gone too:)
ReplyDeleteI've missed a lot. I'm not used to your retirement schedule of blogging: I'm still expecting just the Sunday stories.
ReplyDeleteThank Heaven your son was relatively unhurt - but even so, concussions are nothing to dismiss. He should have been seen sooner than he was. Well, he is all right obviously, but I'm sure his head will hurt for a while yet.