Instead I stayed home, baked buns, crocheted, made Shepherd's pie for dinner, and had an afternoon nap. I did send an e-mail to my real estate agent to revise the wording for the house advertisement such that it now includes a description of the back yard as small, and having a partially finished large storage area in the basement. I did include a comment that less yard work meant more time to relax. Hopefully these revisions will give the viewers a better sense of what they will find. Time will tell.

my SIL. This was some funky yarn that I picked up on sale at Michaels I can't tell you how many times I started it and ripped it out, once because Eli pulled the knitting needles out of it, but more often because I dropped a stitch! Picking up a stitch with this yarn proved to be beyond my skills. It didn't look like much on the counter so I tried to take a selfie. I am so lousy at those!
Tuesday I had an appointment for my nails. Since I have a tendency to break them if I do anything too strenuous in the first 24 hours after getting them done, that meant the morning was full of chores. Laundry, floor washing, oven cleaning, and bathroom scrubbing were completed in record time.
I headed out a little early to do a bit of Christmas shopping/browsing....I told you I thought it was October! At Winners I found the perfect comforter to replace my son's old ratty one. I also found monthly calendars for my daughter and myself for 2020 at a price lower than they were last year. At Marshalls I found a book Stories for a 3 year old for Eli for his birthday next March. And I spoiled myself a bit and bought a new purse because my old one was rapidly falling apart.
I had a relaxing Wednesday, just a bit of vacuuming, dusting and the like before heading off to the Stitch, Make, and Chat at the library. Since the afghan for my bed is far too big to carry with me, I pulled out the smaller one and took the ball of pink yarn I bought the other day. I'll likely have it done in the next week, it's what I like best about crocheting seeing the results much more quickly than knitting.
Thursday started out quiet but got busier as the day went on. But it was the good kind of busy! My friend K and I were meeting for lunch but I'd talked to her the night before and she suggested I stop by her house earlier as our travel agent (and friend) L was coming over to drop off some paperwork and a visit. I pulled a loaf of the banana bread I made last week out of the freezer and took it with me. We had a nice visit discussing potential trips (Panama Canal next March, maybe - if the house sells, absolutely). Then K and J and I went out for lunch at Applebee's. She had coupons so it was a reasonably priced lunch.
From there I headed up to a used book sale. The receipts go to charity, and the prices are great. I got five novels to read, a Fodor's See It London guide, and four books for Eli. Two of the books for him are in French. My daughter is fluent and is starting to work with him, he knows that his nose and le nez are the same thing! Smart kid. The Fodor's book I'll use for a bit or reading before I start researching material for next June's trip. L from Nova Scotia and I are planning to spend a few days there before we travel to Amsterdam for the start of our U.K. cruise.
On the way home I stopped in at Michael's and bought a few things for more crafts. Some I hope to use for Christmas gifts. We'll see if my ambition lasts that long. That evening I had a text from my real estate agent for a showing on Sunday. That's the first showing in over 10 days. I needed the break but I was starting to wonder if we'd get any more.
Friday I did some cleaning, some crafting, went out to dinner with my friend C, and watched football. An overall good day! Saturday was another cool "October" day, only 7C (44F) when I woke up, and I had nothing much planned. Then the real estate agent texted with a request for a showing at 1:30, then delayed to 3:00 and followed by another showing at 5:15. I did a bit more tidying: reviewed flyers and recycled them, did the morning dishes, wiped down counters, etc. Since the first showing was delayed, I settled in and watched "The Accountant" - it was an interesting movie. Then it was outdoors to mow the lawn and sweep up pine cones off the deck.
As I always do, I gather up the cats and leave the house about 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled appointment, just in case they show up early. I needn't have bothered. The first appointment was 30 minutes and the second 45 minutes late in their arrival. Neither agent was considerate enough to contact my agent to let him know they were running late. I texted him, he had to contact them, and get back to me. I was annoyed as the cats and I spent close to 2 1/2 hours in the car for about 25 minutes of showing time.
We do have the showing this evening at 6:30. This is a second time through for the agent but not his clients. I would anticipate that he has informed them of what to expect, thus my hopes are up for this showing. There isn't a lot to do to prepare the house so I'm going to take it easy for most of the day. I did PVR another movie last night, "No Country for Old Men", so I may just settle in with my crocheting and watch another movie.
That, my friends, was the week that was. Have a good week ahead.
In a recent comment, Patti mentioned she would have expected that my crocheting would add to my Fitbit count. It probably would but I wear it on my left arm because I'm left-handed when it comes to writing or using utensils for eating. But I'm right hand dominant when it comes to crocheting, knitting, using scissors, and even washing dishes. The same is true (though I rarely do either) for golfing and throwing a baseball. I have no idea why though I was taught to knit by an aunt who was right handed. Is anyone else an oddball like me?
Knitting wouldn't do the Fitbit a bit of good. :-)
ReplyDeleteI wish we were neighbors though it appears if we were neighbors it wouldn't be for long. We tend to be busy. And like a lot of the same business things.
When I was wearing my fitbit, it would count tying laces as steps. Or reaching for and pulling something down. I wore it on my left wrist and had it set for left-hand dominant (even though I'm right-handed), so it WOULDN'T count things like that as steps. Pah!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, fingers crossed that you finally see movement, i.e. a sale, for the house.
BTW, you scored at the used book sale; awesome! :-)
Hope the showings are fruitful. Your scarf is real cute, I hate yarn like that where you cannot see the stitches. I am a weird right handed person, I can eat left handed and also shoot left handed and I golf left handed and bat a ball left handed and can also throw pretty good left handed but better with my right hand. Strange huh! Sound like you had some good outings! :)
ReplyDeleteOoh, book sales! Glad you found a good one. Love them.
ReplyDeleteI think the revised description of the back yard may weed out some who want to play football out there.
ReplyDeleteBoy I wish we had your 55. It is 102 F on my porch right now.
Sorry that crocheting doesn't add to your Fitbit. Mine does when I brush my teeth or wash dishes and gets real excited when I vacuum:))
I forgot to mention yesterday. Telling those of us struggling in 100 plus temps about how cool you felt is a personal foul! LOL wait until winter and I am wearing shorts in December!
ReplyDeleteWe had a day recently that made it feel like autumn - then it was back to summer. The weather sure isn't as predictable as it used to be. I feel that everything was better when I was young.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your daughter is bilingual and is teaching Eli. I always wanted to know other languages but never had the patience to learn. It's like what Twain said about dying: everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to do what it takes to get there. That's me and learning other languages...
Gentle hugs,
I dont find that my knitting, crocheting or sewing do much for my fitbit count. I HAVE found that sitting on the back yard swing and moving back and forth will do exactly that, lol. I am always a afraid to use those feathery yarns no matter how nice I think it looks. A friend did just tell me that hobby lobby has all yarn at thirty percent off, soo=......