Saturday 24 April 2021

Catching up and lazing about

Speaking of curling, the one event ended on Monday and the second started on Tuesday. But the channels that carry the curling didn't actually start airing it until Wednesday.  I'd like to say that I got a whole lot of housework done as a result...but that would be a lie.  

On Tuesday morning, I happened to look out the front door while I was walking in the house and spotted this robin in the remnants of the snow fall from last week.  It's not a great shot - I was shooting through the window of the door and the screen door.  

Instead of housework I caught up on the television that I'd PVR'ed last week and did more research on Ancestry.  I've been working on more current members of the family, mostly cousins of my grandparents and great-grandparents.  It was a pretty lazy day around here.  

On Wednesday morning before the curling was televised, I headed out for a walk.  It was just above freezing but the wind was quite cool so I did my 30 minutes and came home.  Here are few photos from that walk.
I might be wrong, but it appears the geese are starting to nest. 

As I was focusing in on the goose, I could hear the song of the red winged blackbird.  I headed across the street and followed the music.

I thought the cattails made a pretty picture.

At the pond there were a pair of geese grooming themselves along the path.  This one is quite the contortionist.  I almost wish I were that flexible.

Back in the park on the way home I spotted five rabbits. There was a couple with a dog coming towards me, and they startled all but one. It's still not quite brown yet, but it's getting there.

Thursday morning, I went to the tire shop to have my winter tires switched out for summer, only to learn that I'd made the appointment (on-line) with another location, same company but this location didn't have openings for the morning.  So I cancelled that appointment and re-booked for next week.  Reminder to self pay attention to the confirmation e-mails.

I did my grocery shopping for the week and picked up dry cat food at PetSmart.  When I got the counter, I asked about the particular variety I buy because I hadn't been able to find it.  The clerk was great and checked for me and I learned that they've changed the packaging - I just didn't read the fine print.  My next stop was Pet Valu for a replacement pump and filter for my cats' water fountain.  They had none in store, so when I got home I ordered the pieces on-line along with a large bag of cat litter.  The total of the purchases gave me free delivery to my home.  And yes, I checked the confirmation e-mail carefully. :) It all arrived on Saturday morning along with a package of dog wipes.  Nice to get a freebie but you would think it would been cat related.

Friday was a cool morning; I awoke to my cat alarm at 5:30 and the temperature was a mere -10C (14F). In the middle of January I would welcome such a temp but not in late April.  My Bergenia was just starting to show some signs of life but after this hard frost all the leaves were crumpled and lifeless. (Later in the day they were back to looking healthy and perked right up.) I did get out and feed the birds, and the squirrel - who I've named Hoover for its ability to clean up the bird seed.

Today, I've been catching up on a bit of housework this morning and getting the bedroom ready for Monday.  I got a call from the contractor and the windows in the living room and bedroom will be replaced that day, barring any rain or that s word....the weather forecast is for neither.  He asked me to ensure the curtains were removed which I'll do that morning.  I did need to clear the night side table and remove a couple of other items to give them more room to work.  He told me to simply cover the bed with plastic - I have a roll from when the kitchen was redone so I've pulled that out of the garage. 

I'm off to watch the tie-breaker before I tackle more housework.  Have a great week everyone!


  1. Lots of lazing about here as well. Did quite a bit of shopping yesterday and my knee and hip are telling me it was a bit too much today. We are watching women's golf and watching a woodpecker that has come everyday this week to hammer on our neighbours tree. He/she must be making progress because its entire head disappears into the tree trunk now. Snowed again over night, not much, and it's supposed to snow again tomorrow!

  2. I don't know much about birds and their habits, but it seems right that the geese may be starting to build nests and raise young about now, doesn't it? It's always nice to see when nature refreshes itself, despite mankind.

  3. I have been so busy with Mom's house, that once it was ready I became a couch potato. Sadly I don't even care that I have turned into one.

  4. You know it's spring when the red wing blackbirds are back! It's so lovely to see them, and the robins too. I love opening the patio early in the morning, when it's still dark (to let Derry out into the garden) and hearing the robins singing their hearts out. Such a sweet, spring sound.

    I had covered my bleeding heart and another perennial, plus the few pots, for a couple of days with our snow and freezing temps. All seem to have survived, except those last-year geraniums are NOT showing any signs of life. I did not inherit Mom's green thumb, obviously. I will cover them all this evening too, because the windchill will be below 0C. I hope for the last time till next winter, fingers crossed!

    Take care and good luck with the windows tomorrow, I hope everything goes smoothly.

  5. Sounds like a nice calm week. I love red winged black birds - they are so pretty.
    YAY on new windows - they always make things warmer.
    Enjoy your week

  6. Love the critter pictures. Our 3 geese are nesting here, I'll have to Google how long that process is. they have been sitting on the nests for probably 3 weeks. I'm excited for babies. Dads are really protective.
    I think we;ve all misread an instruction or two in our time. :)

  7. Took me a second to find that goose's head. Think he was just showing off. Hope the windows go smoothly. We have had late frosts here that have really bummed the early bird gardners. I use to fall in that group.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh my goodness. As I know I have said before, I love Red Winged Blackbirds and that distinct song--and I only had them to enjoy while living in Central Florida. I miss my Meadow Larks too. They sing "Spring of the year". Miss so many of the birds I loved. Different ones here in Tennessee. Plenty of woodpeckers though. Seems like I have been busy all day but really half of it.

  10. You have spring! New windows good for you! I hope it all goes smoothly!

  11. We've had snow flurries too. Hope you have a good week.


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