Next up I tackled the sheds in the back yard. I pulled everything out of the larger of the two, sorting through containers, plant food, tools, and other garden paraphernalia including ornaments and solar lights. D will be here in a couple of weeks and I set aside some of the gardening tools, containers, and ornaments she can take back with her. There was a bit of garbage - any idea why I kept the plastic containers hanging baskets come in? I certainly don't know. I also came across a box of seeds, carrots, chives, spinach, and I can't recall what else. Since I don't have a garden, nor have I had one in many years, the only thing I can think of is I brought these back when I cleaned out my Dad's house...back in 2007. Not sure why I held onto them and then promptly forgot.
After a good sweep out, I replaced the items to be retained and took a load out to the garage (too bulky for the bin) and threw the rest in the bin. The second shed is much smaller, and I think it may have been used as a playhouse for the former owners. There wasn't much in there, a stack of old plastic chairs, two stacking tables, a couple of folding lounge chairs and Eli's outdoor pool and other plastic toys. One of the lounge chairs is past it's prime so I tossed that, and cleared out the rest, swept it out and put the toys back in for now. I'll bag those next week so she can take them back with her.
I'd gathered up quite a bit of garbage and items for recycling and I carried them around to the front of the house. The larger items went in the pile to be sent to the dump this week, while the garbage and recycling went into their separate bins. It just happened to be garbage day and shortly I tossed the last items in the bin the truck passed by and took it away.
The last thing I did was gather up the various solar lights and put them out on the deck. Later that evening, after dinner I went out to check which ones were working. There weren't a whole lot but I had not thought to turn them so they were facing the I changed the position and left them out one more day.
Friday was even nicer! By 10 a.m. I was outdoors to work some more in the back yard. I raked the grass to gather up the winter's debris and left it to dry for a bit before I picked it up. Next up was cleaning the plastic furniture. I had given my deck furniture to D when she moved in October, and the bistro chairs that I had out front are doing double duty as kitchen chairs right now. So the old plastic chairs and tables will have to do for now. They were filthy as they've sat in the shed for years. I hosed them down, then used a cloth to clean off the residue. Since I was cleaning things I decided to clean out the garbage bin using an old broom to scrub the inside along with the water I'd brought out to clean the chairs and tables with.
When these were done so was I. I gathered my book, a cup of tea, and headed to the deck to sit and relax for a bit. I think I sat and read in the sun for nearly 2 hours! I did get up a couple of times, to make some lunch and get a cold drink. It was soooo nice, with a little bit of a breeze and the sounds of the birds in the back ground.
This is where I spent my time, in one of the newer plastic chairs - it stays out all winter and needed just a quick wipe. The "potting shed" is just opposite and holds the gardening supplies and the lawnmower. There isn't much grass, just the strip between the building and the sun room, up to the fence just beyond the end of the sun room. This is definitely a low maintenance yard.
This is the smaller of the two sheds, it sits on the lower of the two decks. You can see the old green plastic chair and the brown table that I pulled from the shed. The deck looks a little bare, but I'm sure any buyer will be able to imagine the enjoyment they will get out of both decks.
After sitting for such a long period, it was time to get busy again. I took out my small vacuum and cleaned up the deck. The large evergreen drops needles and cones as well, and though I sweep it frequently, they get between the cracks. Finally I tackled the table (not pictured) where my small BBQ sits, cleaning off the grease and winter grime. I took the BBQ apart and cleaned the grill as well as the burner plate and scraped out all the crud.
It is so nice to have everything cleaned up, at least temporarily. I have to keep on top of things now both inside and out. Good thing I'm retired!
Saturday has been another absolutely gorgeous day. I decided I deserved to take some time and go for a walk. The temperature was around 8C (46F) as I headed out the door...with my camera.
I'm sad to say this is only the second time I've gone walking in the park this spring. Sad, isn't it especially as it is only a 5-10 minute walk from the house. My only excuse is that I've been getting my exercise cleaning house and yard.
The pond was welcoming to ducks, geese, and gulls. The cacophony of sound was something else.
Mr. Robin was in a tree as I was passing by. He seemed to be interested in my taking photos of him, as he flew down from the tree and strutted across the grass towards me.
Handsome fellow!
These guys were not nearly as happy to see me. Every time I took a photo they'd dash away only to stop a few feet away and look at me again.
There was a man and his dog on the path and I thought they might run from them but they stuck around, likely because the dog didn't even make a sound as it walked by.
This guy was curled up in the grass as I approached but took off like a shot when he saw me. Silly rabbit, he dashed down the hill and I was able to get this shot of him as I went around the curve. I like the way the light and shadows play on the fence; I think he thought he blended into it....not quite!
Back at home I cleared up some debris from the front flower bed. I even have a couple of plants that are starting to push up and show some new green. One is a dianthus (carnation) and the other a Veronica (Speedwell). Yippee! I love spring.
The rest of the day was mostly relaxing. I spent some time reading out on the front patio, watched a bit of afternoon hockey, filed some paperwork, and made a list of the improvements and replacements I've done to the house in the past 9 years. I put this together for my real estate agent as my memory isn't that great, but I've kept all of the paperwork from the work that was completed over the years. Oh, and I did get to the gas station for a fill-up and a wash. It so desperately needed it. That reminds me, I need to make an appointment to changeover to summer tires. There's always something needing to be done.
Tomorrow is Easter Sunday. I did pick up a small treat for my son, but the Easter decorations have been cleared up in anticipation of next week's discussion with the real estate agent*. We won't have a big dinner, in fact if the weather forecast is accurate I'll probably throw something on the BBQ.
Take care everyone and have Happy Easter!
*By the way - I moved to ottomans to the front window. It's always called out to me as needing a window seat, the cats can use them to watch out the window and it clears the space in front of the sofa. AND since they hold my knitting projects and supplies they're still handy.
Gosh, I'm exhausted from reading your post! I thought I was in a frenzy of cleaning on Friday, but wow, the work you've done is impressive. I hope the real estate agent doesn't suggest anything further. Jeepers. I mean, I'd be cleaning and painting any home I bought anyway....People have crazy expectations today. Should I blame HGTV? LOL. Good luck, enjoy the rest of the weekend (okay, it's all a "weekend" for you now), and happy Easter!
ReplyDeletePhew, you don't hire out do you? Things are piling up here:)) You got a bunch accomplished and I love how you have your own resident Easter Bunny. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.
ReplyDeleteGood idea on the ottoman. All your deck is calling out for is a pot or two of flowers (buyers will like that) which you can always gift to your daughter or a friend when you move. Or maybe your son. Will he buy before you sell?
ReplyDeleteYou know, I think the only way I could have as much energy as you have to do all that you are doing is if my house were going to be sold, like yours is. I don't think I could do all that if it was just to clean and sort, then have things settle down again. But Good Heavens if you weren't retired, you could hire yourself out as an organiser for people who were moving house!