Saturday 20 April 2024

Progress report

Aruba will have to wait - it's been a busy week and though I've managed to sit down and read blogs (in fact, that's been a great way to take a break), writing much of anything has been a task I've not felt up to even thinking about.

Monday, we headed into the city about 8:30 in the morning, for Eli's appointment with the pediatric optometrist. (I called her a opthamologist in my last post - I was wrong). We headed to C's house first to pick up a few items from the garage and house. He managed to sleep through our short visit. And if he didn't, he managed to stay in his room. Next up was a stop at Costco for a few needed bulk items and a few wants too. Staples is across the road where we managed to find a printer. I have one at C's, but didn't want to bring it back and forth with me. 

While D and Eli were at the optometrist's office, I slipped into the Dollar Store next door. I found a couple of pairs of gardening gloves, including a pair just for Eli, some flower seeds, and a package of a variety of screws. The day was sunny, but windy, and I spent the last 15 minutes of so sitting in the car with a breeze cooling me from the open windows. 

We stopped at a nearby Dairy Queen for lunch, before heading home. The wind was even worse than it had been earlier and I later learned we had gusts of 50-60 kms per hour (31-37mph). It was crossing the highway, and I found myself struggling to keep the car from blowing to the right. By the time we reached town, my right hand was cramped and sore. 

The local plumber dropped by after we got home and installed the new control panel for the hot water heater. Hooray for hot water from the tap! I had been boiling the kettle for washing dishes, and while it works, it wasn't nearly as convenient. 

On Tuesday, Eli had a dental appointment in the next town over. He has been wearing an appliance to keep two of his teeth apart. A few days prior before I moved, he had flushed it down the toilet. He had let me know, it was a big mistake and he needed money to pay for it. His mother had clearly had a serious chat with him. After the appointment, his mom dropped him off at school, then came home to wait for the plumber who was to install the new dishwasher and two new sump pumps. 

We spent our day putting together Eli's new bed and partially completing her bed. At one point we had to run out to Canadian Tire to buy a drill to finish the work on Eli's bed. I don't recall if I went over to the old house to start cleaning that day, but do know I spent several hours there on Wednesday. I managed to get all of the appliances scrubbed clean and do a couple of loads of laundry.

Just as I finished throwing the last load in the washer, D called to say that the appliance repair guy had fixed the washer at the new house. If you recall, it would wash but not drain. We had bailed the machine out that morning. It turns out a sensor on the lid had broken/malfunctioned so it was an easy, if not inexpensive fix. 

We had snow overnight Wednesday and woke to covered lawns, though the streets and sidewalks were clear. D was tired and sore from the bed building, and I was ready for a break too, so we agreed to take the day off. She took Eli to school while I went grocery shopping.  Once the groceries were put away we spent the day doing a little more unpacking, and a lot of television watching (and for me, blog reading). 

There was more snow overnight on Thursday, this time covering the streets and sidewalks. We dropped Eli off at school and run a few errands before heading to the old house. We took several boxes with us, and gathered up the last of the items that had not been packed/ready for the movers. We filled the back seat and trunk of my car, D held a box on her lap before returning home. It took a good part of the morning to finish sorting through the boxes and putting things where they belong. D was doing laundry too, washing and drying some new sheets and bedding for Eli, new sheets for her bed too, and all of the rest of their bedding. She and I put the trundle together for Eli's bed. I made dinner that evening while she kept an eye on the laundry, and put toys away in Eli's room. After dinner, we made up their beds. As you can see in the photo, Eli entertained himself. :)

Friday was also the day that the tree company was scheduled to remove the Lombardy poplars in my son's yard. I spoke with him briefly after work and had him send me a picture. I'm pleased to see how much more light we'll have in the backyard as a result of the removal.

Today, I'm planning to spend some time at the old house cleaning. I'm not sure what D will do, as I'm pretty certain Eli will not be happy hanging out in an empty house. The morning has started out cold (-6C/21F) but it is supposed to warm up nicely (10C/50F). I'm sure they will make their way to the park this afternoon. By then, I'm certain I'll be ready for a nap. 

Have a great week ahead everyone!


  1. I think you both need a break. Hope you have a calm and restful Sunday!

    1. I'm ready for a break, but we've got a few days of cleaning and unpacking left to do before everything is complete. I know, in the end, it will all be worth the effort. You can bet I'm sleeping well at night.

  2. Jeepers, I'm exhausted just reading this. What a lot of work! You and your daughter will need to treat yourselves to something nice/fun/relaxing/whatever, when everything is done. You will deserve it!

    1. Thanks Kim. I'm looking forward to July and August in particular, as we've got plans to be at the pool, to go out to the beach, to enjoy the firepit in the evenings. Having something to look forward to is definitely keeping me working towards the target.

  3. You have been busy, you will need another cruise to relax!

    1. LOL, you won't be surprised then, to hear that I've been doing a bit of research to plan for another in the future. No booking just ye though.

  4. This is beyond busy - crazy might be a more apt description.

    1. It seems a little like that to me too, but the housing market in the town we're in is red-hot at the moment. I'm hoping to sell the old house quickly, which means the work that needs to be completed, needs to be done in short order.
      I'll get through it, I'm sure.

  5. Hope that all is cleaned at the old place now. Blogger is not allowing me to post right now, hopefully that fixes itself soon.

    God bless.

    1. Unfortunately, there is still much more to be cleaned/repaired and painted. Our plan for Monday (when Eli is in school) is for D to tackle both bathrooms and the deepfreeze, while I vacuum the front porch, and start washing down walls and baseboards.

  6. You will be ready for another vacation when you are finished with this second move.

  7. I do not envy the tasks you have to do! I think I am glad I do not see a move in the immediate future.

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